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Prison inmates get to meet family members
Published on: Friday, May 10, 2024
By: Syakilla Maarof
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Prison inmates get to meet family members
An inmate hugs his mother during the Jalinan Kasih programme at the Kota Kinabalu Central Prison.
Kota Kinabalu: Thirty-five inmates of the central prison here were allowed to meet family members as a reward for good behaviour during the Jalinan Kasih programme.

Only three families did not take up the offer. 

Sudin (not his real name) said he had been waiting 16 years to meet his daughter, who he last saw when she was just seven.

The 52-year-old, who is serving 36 years for rape, wasn’t sure how his daughter looked but recognised her voice.

“We used to talk on the phone, although not often, whenever my brother called me. Just now, I heard her call out ‘daddy’ and I immediately recognised the voice,” he said, during the teary reunion.

His daughter, now 23, who accompanied Sudin’s brother, was happy to finally meet her dad.

“She told me I used to carry her when small and now that she is grown up, she wants to be the one who hugs me. 

“We chatted and laughed and I am happy that she is able to accept me despite my shortcomings,” he said.

Another happy father, Aziz (not his real name), was also happy to be able to touch his three-year-old son.

“He was just three months. Now he is grown up and I miss him dearly. I am happy to be able to feed him today for the first time,” he said, with his wife and mother seated alongside.

Aziz, who was jailed for 15 years for rape said the terrible mistake was one of the bitter memories of his life.

He was grateful that he was still well received by his family and they had always been a motivation to remain patient while serving jail time.

Kota Kinabalu Central Prison Supt Jaini Ayong Rajawa said the Jalinan Kasih is organised across the country that offers opportunities for inmates to meet their family face-to-face.

“Usually they only get to talk and are separated by a transparent glass, but through this event they get to hug and talk with their family. 

“This programme also encourages inmates to be in good behaviour, because that is the only way to qualify for the programme,” he said.

Similar programmes would  be held soon to commemorate other festivities.

In SANDAKAN, 10 selected inmates took part in the programme. Director of Sandakan Prison, Ab Nasif Sarahan, said those picked had demonstrated excellent progress in their rehabilitation efforts, thus earning them the opportunity to participate in the Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebration this year.

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