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Traffic offences:  ‘Eye-in-the-sky’ watching you
Published on: Monday, June 15, 2020
By: Bernama
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Traffic offences:  ‘Eye-in-the-sky’ watching you
Bernama pic
Kuala Lumpur: You might think you may get away with it, but better think again.

The  Royal Malaysia Police Air Operations Force will be closely monitoring traffic during the Recovery Movement Order (RMCO)  period to bring to book those flouting road regulations.

Its deputy commander (Operations), SAC Noor Sham Md Jani said they were mobilising two helicopters - an AS355N and an AW139 - for the purpose and that each would be making two sweeps daily.

He said the AS355N is equipped with a sophisticated camera called Wescam which can zero in on the registration number of the car found violating traffic laws. “Since the RMCO started (on June 10), we have taken to the skies to assist the police’s Traffic Enforcement Department to identify traffic offenders, including those who use emergency lanes (to beat traffic).

“The Wescam was installed for operations during the duration of the RMCO and it can provide ‘live’ feeds to Bukit Aman (Federal police headquarters (HQ)) and the Kuala Lumpur police HQ for further action,”he told Bernama. Thus, he reminded motorists to heed traffic regulations at all times to avoid accidents or “having to cough up”.

To contain the spread of Covid-19 in the country, Malaysia imposed a Movement Control Order (MCO), practically a lockdown, on March 18 and relaxed it to the Conditional Movement Control Order, which allowed limited movement, on May 4.

The RMCO, which enabled most economic sectors to reopen, provides further relaxations on people’s movements including interstate travel. It ends on Aug 31.

The relaxations were possible because Malaysia successfully contained the spread of the novel coronavirus in the country. 


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