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Action speaks louder, not empty talk
Published on: Sunday, January 07, 2024
By: Datuk John Lo
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The Daily Express’ headline “CM PREFERS TO DO MORE, TALK LESS” on 31 December last year struck A “home RUN”. 

For years, far too many Sabah leaders have talked air too much, often making promises knowing that they could not or did not intend to keep, fighting among themselves for positions and selfish pecuniary interests. 

How many among them really worked  for the development of Sabah and for Sabahans to have better lives? Sabah’s free fall from No. 2 when Harris was CM, to now, at the disgraceful No 2 from the bottom is your answer. 

Sabah’s saddest story is: SO MUCH WEALTH, SO MUCH POVERTY! This is unconscionable, an indictment of failure by bad leaders who had failed in their fiduciary duties to look after the interest of Sabahans. Sabah, by all reckonings, should have 5 out of richest districts in Malaysia, not 5 out of 8 poorest districts. This is intolerable and insufferable.

In 2024, 61st years since MA63, Sabahans must ask this question, DO SABAHANS STILL WANT NATO [no action talk only] LEADERS or LEADERS, LIKE CM, WHO PREFER TO DO MORE, TALK LESS?

Cantankerous leaders are those with little or no substantive issues. Like empty vessels, a lot of loud noises. They are just attention grabbers. Their only ability is to criticise for the sake of criticism, can’t contribute constructive solutions to solve Sabah’s economic problems. 

Sabah needs dynamic leaders, doers, performers who can deliver economic benefits for Sabahans. Don’t waste time on Leaders who are at the level of coffee shop gossips, champions at empty chatters. They are full of air. 


Want to identify good leaders? Look out for these leadership qualities:

[a] Lau Tze “A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.”

[b] John C Miller “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way”.

[c] Warren Bennis “Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.”

Questions: How many Sabah leaders have these qualities? How many would “DO MORE, TALK LESS?

Above are some of the quintessential values of political leadership that are fundamentally espoused in “talk less, do more”.

Pray hard that our leaders will adopt “do more, talk less” en-masse, skip the politicking in 2024 so that Sabah can experience the dawn of a new economic era.


The famous Einstein had said “Insanity [or stupidity] is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

Sabahans have elected many political leaders repeatedly since MA63. They have failed badly in their performance. What happens? Some of them are still around after 40 years, basking with their wealth and aura. Sabahans are suffering from terminal 4th stage “Einstein Insanity syndrome”!

Let this be our dream: our Leaders can transform to “do more, talk less” in 2024.

This year, Sabahans must be extremely vigilant on the performance of our Leaders. Be blunt, if this needs to be done, tell our Leaders that they need to buck up. If our Leaders don’t or can’t bring benefits you, it is our fault. Ditch them or don’t complain.

To be fair, there are some Leaders who are conscientious and diligent, not prone to empty promises. Give them credit and your support. Love your leaders who can do more and talk less. Make sure they are re-elected.


The No. 1 and most important is that many political leaders need to undergo a multi-dimensional transformation in mindset. Some sombre reality checks, if they profess to love Sabah, for them are:

[a] What sort of Sabah are they going to give Sabahans in 2024? How much MA63 rights can you regain from the Federal Government?

[b] Sabah’s natural resources will eventually run out or command no demand in the market. Oil and Gas may be good for another 20 years [God willing]. Some mineral resources may command good prices now like bauxite, nickel and lithium but will experience the fate of low-prices as new technologies and materials will eclipse them.

[c] What are they going to do about the bad deal Sabah is getting from the oil palm industry? How about taxing on kernel oil as Sarawak and W Malaysia have imposed such tax on it years ago. Do they know that these oil palm plantations are paying dirt cheap land assessment in Sabah?

[d] To those Leaders with coastal constituencies that can benefit from the new economic frontier of Blue Economy, are you equipping yourselves with know-how to bring benefits to your people?

[d] What can they do about food sufficiency and food security? Why can’t Sabah grow high value crops for export? Why is Sabah importing so much corn and rice?

[e] Why are no Leaders complaining about poor management of KKIA by MAB when tourism can bring much more benefits to Sabah?

[f] All our Leaders should assist in finding solutions for Sabah’s poor infrastructure, bad logistics and all-round high prices, 30pc more than the rest of Malaysia. Why is Sabah’s household income the lowest in Malaysia? Why aren’t they raising hell in the DUN and Parliament?

[g] What will our Leaders do about so many non-functioning parts of the delivery system?

[h] How will our Leaders ensure that the improving economy and huge investments benefit Sabahans?

[i] Many senior Leaders are chairmen or directors of GLCs. What is your contribution to convert these GLCs into performing ones?

[j] How would each YB implement the Sabahans First Policy in their respective constituencies?

These and many other serious problems facing Sabah can only be solved by Leaders with substance, intellect, tenacity and commitment, ability to plan and implement.

These require quality leadership. Not political ramblings 

Hope Sabah leaders’ 2024 resolution can be “THINK, PLAN, IMPLEMENT, STOP EMPTY talkS”


Sabahans must take heed: Empty talks don’t put food on the table, more likely will take food away from our children. Action, performance and concrete results are always better than flowery language and sugar-coated words.

Don’t be fooled by salesmanship, deceitful and bogus speeches. Look for genuine leaders, not those who can spew rhetoric. Avoid the “snake oil salesmen”!

In 2024, Sabahans should only support Sabah leaders who can economically empower us, leaders who can demonstrate to us how to strive for better lives and for our children, leaders who can facilitate for us to increase our income and productivity, who can attract investments and generate employments for Sabahans.

In short, Sabah leaders must give top priority on the implementation of SABHANS FIRST POLICY.

- The views expressed here are the views of the writer Datuk John Lo and do not necessarily reflect those of the Daily Express.

- If you have something to share, write to us at: [email protected]


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