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More young turn out to honour the fallen
Published on: Sunday, November 19, 2023
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Those who came to pay homage beside the “Cross of Sacrifice”.
LABUAN: LABUAN: The 105th Labuan Remembrance Day was observed last weekend at the war cemetery here in honour of those who sacrificed their lives during World War II in then British North Borneo.

Originally known as Armistice Day in 1918, it is held on the Sunday closest to Nov. 11 to mark the end of hostilities of World War One and was changed to Rememberance Day to honour also the World War Two dead.

The Labuan War Cemetery is the final resting place of more than 3,900 World War II soldiers from Australia, Britain, India, New Zealand and Malaya. It is also the burial site of those who perished during the Battle of Borneo (1941-42), the Borneo Campaign of 1945, and the Borneo Death Marches from Sandakan to Ranau.

Representatives from foreign  embassies, Malaysian security forces and others congregated to pay homage to the thousands of fallen.

The event which was held here since 1996 was observed in the finest military tradition with two minutes of silence, prayers, sounding of the bugle for the “Last Post”, a vigil Guard of Honour, Drums and Pipers.

The Labuan Indian community.

The towering landmark at the cemetery known as “ Cross of Sacrifice” was inundated  with colorful wreaths serving as an eloquent testimony that the thousands who sacrificed for peace and for the sake of others remained fresh in memories despite the lapse 78 years.

Among those who laid the wreaths in tribute to the soldiers were:

Tuan Ibrahim bin Tambi deputy  director-general Development on behalf of Chief Executive officer  of Labuan Corporation, John Virgoe, High Commissioner, Brtish High Commision  Brunei;

Simon Fellows, Head of Mission on be half of the Australian  High Commission, Col. Brandon Wood Defence Advisor, Australian High Commission, Capt Jonathan Caple, Royal Navy, Defence Advisor, British High Commission, Brunei. And representing the Police, Chief DSP Robina @Ridzuanbin Ismail ,deputy Police chief Royal Malaysian Police

Ms Doris Wong on behalf of The Department of Veterans’, Australia.

Randy Davis for  “ USS Salute” which sank off Labuan on June 8 1945, Mrs Kibby Jones, in memory of Cpl Eric Lewis  2/24 th Battalion, AIF, Capt Jake Hodgkinson, on behalf of British Garrison, Brunei.

Willie Teo , local historian laid three wreaths,  fo the Australian war Veterans,for Honsby Sub-Branch of the Returned & Service League, New Soth Wales and for the Royal British Legion.

Thirteen wreaths were also placed at the cenotaph in the cemetery honouring Hindus/Sikhs who died in the resistance. This was led Datuk Dahlif Singh of Indian chamber, Balvir Singh from Labuan Sikh society, Dauk Ramasamy of Labuan Hindu Association and local historian Avtar Singh in honour of his grandfather Gurbax.

The cemetery which is the largest in Borneo  has  3,098 burials including 2,156 unidentified and marked as “ Known Unto God”. 

Willi who earlier briefed the visitors on the historical background of the war memorial  was glad that this year saw many younger participants.

“This augurs well as it showed the interest of the new generation in wartime history,” he said.

Rememberance Day was originally known as Armistice Day in 1918 and held on Sunday closest to Nov 11 at the 11 hour to mark the end of hostilities of World War One, It was changed to Rememberance Day when Australia and UK agrredto the proposal.



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