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Let this be the last, says hubby. Man recounts harrowing moment when wife drowned
Published on: Wednesday, July 03, 2024
By: Sherell Jeffrey, Jimmy Goh
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Let this be the last, says hubby. Man recounts harrowing moment when wife drowned
Hii (left) said they (he and Monica) set out to deliver food to a customer in Tanaki and upon arriving around 6pm-6.30pm, found the area already inundated, making it impossible to reach their destination.
Kota Kinabalu: Hii Ding Wei who lost his wife to the floods in Penampang on Sunday night hopes the authorities will take decisive action to prevent future such tragedies. 

“Let this be the first and the last incident to happen here. No other family should have to endure such a tragedy,” said Hii, 39, who is still grappling with the loss of Monica Ting Sie Kwong, 37, that day. 

The couple, from Sarawak, had been running a catering business in Kapayan the past 11 years. They have two daughters, aged 15 and nine. 

Hii said they (he and Monica) set out to deliver food to a customer in Tanaki and upon arriving around 6pm-6.30pm, found the area already inundated, making it impossible to reach their destination.

After informing the customer by phone, they decided to return to their shop in Kapayan where their daughters were waiting with their maid.

Hii said when they initially left for the delivery, the water levels were manageable. 

“However, as we attempted to exit Tanaki, we found ourselves trapped in heavy traffic congestion due to the flood.” 

Hoping the situation would improve, they decided to wait from 6.30pm to 9pm, but there were no signs of the flood receding. 

“As the time passed, we grew increasingly anxious about our daughters waiting at the shop which was set to close at 9.30pm,” said Hii. 

Their concern was amplified by the fact that their 15-year-old daughter was still recovering from a recent back surgery in Kuching.

Despite having a maid watching over their daughters, Hii and Monica were desperate to return home. 

“We decided to brave the floods on foot, leaving our car behind. We called a friend to help fetch our daughters from the shop, while assuring them that we would find our way back,” he said.

The spot (circled) near the former Sigah roundabout where the tragedy happened.

As they exited Tanaki and reached the former Sigah roundbout, the situation took a dire turn. 

“The knee-deep water suddenly surged, reaching waist level within seconds, accompanied by a treacherously strong current. 

“Everything happened so fast, the current was so strong,” Hii said, describing the harrowing moment when he saw his wife fall as they waded through the water. 

In a frantic attempt to save her, he too fell and lost his glasses. All he could do was watch helplessly as his wife was swept away by the currents towards the left side. 

“I tried to stand up, but my wife could not and was swept away by the currents,” he said.

Despite his poor vision, Hii said he managed to get up and flag a white Hilux for help. The driver immediately joined in the search efforts. 

Hii said the Fire and Rescue team soon arrived at the scene in a boat as they searched for Monica who was swept towards the ITCC direction. 

“The search and rescue team’s presence gave me high hopes of finding my wife alive,” said Hii, clinging to hope as the team worked tirelessly through the night. 

He said the search continued until midnight, resumed at 3am and again at 6am.

Monica’s body was finally discovered at 8am on Monday near the Penampang Ngiu Chap area, approximately 500 meters from where she was last seen.

Hii also requested the public to stop sharing stories and photos of his wife. 

“We are thankful for the concern that people have shown us, but please stop circulating our stories. 

“We are just normal citizens doing our duty (in delivering food for customers). 

“It should stop there as it might affect our children too”. 

Her cremation is scheduled for July 3 (today) at the Fook Lu Siew Crematorium. 

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