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Mechanic gets 10 years and rotan for having syabu
Published on: Tuesday, July 02, 2024
By: Cynthia D Baga
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Mechanic gets 10 years and rotan for having syabu
The offence under Section 12(2) of the Dangerous Drugs Act and punishable under Section 39A(2) of the same Act which provides for a jail between five years and life imprisonment, and whipping at least 10 strokes, on conviction.
Kota Kinabalu: A 27-year-old mechanic was jailed 10 years plus 10 strokes of the cane for having 32.97gm of syabu.

Sessions Court Judge Amir Shah Amir Hassan meted out the sentence to Mohd Saiful Ridzuan Isa who pleaded guilty.

Mohd Saiful was found having the drug at 8.40pm on April 10, 2023 by the roadside in Lorong Bunga Tanjung 2, Yu Sang, Kepayan, here. 

The offence under Section 12(2) of the Dangerous Drugs Act and punishable under Section 39A(2) of the same Act which provides for a jail between five years and life imprisonment, and whipping at least 10 strokes, on conviction.

During mitigation, Mohd Saiful who was not represented, asked for leniency saying that he has two children, a brother and parents to look after.

However, Deputy Public Prosecutor Nurul Shafeerah Mad Iskim urged the court to impose a deterrent sentence on the grounds that it was a serious offence.

The court ordered Mohd Saiful to serve the jail sentence from the date of his arrest.

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