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Ensuring kids get a perfect education
Published on: Monday, July 01, 2024
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Ensuring kids get a perfect education
Hajiji (right) signing a plaque to mark the opening of the new Eng Ket Thong multipurpose building at SJK © Chen Shin in Tuaran, while Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Christina Liew (second right) and Pantai Dalit Assemblyman Datuk Jasnih Daya look on.
CHIEF Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor said the State Government has given priority to developing Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Sabah and it will be expanded to the entire state.

“Our children need to be given skills in the field of technology to have the same opportunities as other children in the country,” he said.

The Chief Minister said the State Government is fully committed to improving the education development in the State.

Hajiji said education is a priority because it is important in producing educated and knowledgeable people who will drive the development and progress of the State.

“The State Government places the main emphasis on the development of education to ensure that the people of Sabah continue to receive the best and perfect education. If the people have education and various skills, this will help us develop the State.

“This is also in line with one of the thrusts in the Hala Tuju Sabah Maju Jaya Development Plan, which is Human Capital and People’s Wellbeing. The involvement and commitment of all parties are required to ensure that the people’s wellbeing is maintained, especially in the Government’s commitment to produce quality, skilled and competitive human capital.

“The State Government will continue to ensure that the development of infrastructure and conducive access to education can be implemented through the solid cooperation of various parties who want to contribute towards improving the excellence of education in the State,” he said when officiating the new multipurpose building of SJKC Chen Sin in Tuaran on June 22.

Hajiji said the State Government does not ignore the interests of all people regardless of race and religion, including in the aspect of education.

“Regardless of Chinese or national schools, the State Government will continue to help to ensure that our children get a perfect education. Various State Government initiatives are being provided to ensure that our children get a perfect education such as scholarships and loans in addition to one-off assistance for students who get offers to higher education institutions.

“The State Government also established the Sabah Education Fund to help students who do not receive scholarship assistance. There are actually many initiatives provided by the Government to help the people in the State,” he said.

Regarding the ceremony, he said the new multipurpose building of SJKC Chen Sin can provide comfort and wellbeing of educational infrastructure to the students at the school.

“Today we are happy to be able to witness the successful construction of the school’s new multipurpose building. The State Government allocated RM2 million for this construction because I know the importance of education. I don’t care what kind of school, regardless of race and religion, if it is to improve education, I will help.

“This building is also proof of the solid cooperation from all to ensure that a conducive educational infrastructure, especially for the students of this school, can be provided,” he said. 

The new four-storey multipurpose building costing RM4.2 million was completed in August 2023. It is equipped with various learning facilities for students such as a music room, design and technology, multimedia, science and library.

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