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Warning not to charge more for cashless payments
Published on: Monday, July 01, 2024
By: Hayati Dzulkifli
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Warning not to charge more for cashless payments
Armizan gives a thumb-up sign with Howard, Ghulam and others after handing over the 24-seat coaster and lorry to Papar Education office head and Papar parliamentary service office at the event.
PAPAR: Traders who impose additional charges on consumers for using cashless payment transaction services, are warned of strict action.

Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Minister (KPDN) Datuk Armizan Mohd Ali said it an offence under the Price Control and Anti Profiteering Act (AKHAP) 2011.

“Imposing additional charges for in “cashless” transactions using QR Code is wrong and even violates the rules under AKHAP 2011.

“If found guilty, a corporate body will be fined not exceeding RM500,000 and second or subsequent offence, not exceeding RM1,000,000.

“If not a corporation, the trader will be fined not exceeding RM100,000 or jailed up to three years or both and for a second or subsequent offence, fined not exceeding RM250,000 or jail up to five years or both, upon conviction,” he said.

Armizan said this after witnessing the handing over of a 24-seat coaster and a multi-purpose tipper lorry by Sinyi Group Director Howard Chou to the head of Papar Education office and Papar Parliamentary Service office at Langkah Syabas, Kinarut, a Saturday.

Accompanying him were Kawang Assemblyman Datuk Seri Ghulam Haidar Khan Bahadar who is also the Yayasan Sabah Director; Papar District Officer Mohd Fuad Abdullah; and Papar District Education Officer, Bakri Sudin. 

Some traders were said to be imposing an additional 10 sen for every cashless payment using QR code at their respective premises. They allegedly charged a one per cent fee to users paying through QR codes,

It was reported that a food vendor in Melaka was compounded RM200 for committing the offence, recently.

“The Government’s commitment is clear in this matter and Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) has also placed a rule that traders cannot (impose) additional charges on consumers or customers when choose cashless payment including using QR code.

“KPDN together with related agencies will carry out comprehensive enforcement to ensure that no trader takes advantage and turns their back on the law in this matter,” Armizan said.

On any action against traders who do not provide “cashless” payment services, he said there is no Act or law that mandate the service as compulsory. 

It is a choice for any trader whether they want to provide the cashless service or not, as well as Consumers are free to choose to spend at any ‘cashless’ business premises or pay with cash premises.

“There is no act or regulation under the KPDN that prevents any business premises to only accept ‘cashless’ payment.

Armizan said there are many areas, especially in Sabah, not yet able to implement ‘cashless’ services due to lack of perfect telecommunication coverage.

There are also many consumers not familiar with ‘cashless’ payment because they are more comfortable with paying in cash.

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