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Chinese MP donates 5 acres for mosque
Published on: Monday, July 01, 2024
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Chinese MP donates 5 acres for mosque
Hajiji (centre) and others at the Ar-Rahman Masjid Ground breaking ceremony.
TAWAU: Sabah has some 1,127 mosques – the most in Malaysia – in addition to 1,221 suraus, said Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Hajiji Haji Noor.

He said in Tawau alone, there are 133 mosques with 103 suraus, second only to Semporna which has 246 mosques and suraus.

He said although Islam is the official religion of the country, non-Muslims are free to practise their own religious beliefs.

“It does not mean that we have a large number of mosques to worship, it is something that can strain the harmony and unity between races and also beliefs in the state in general and our country in particular.

“We must be disciplined Muslims, have morals that love justice, unity and progress. This must apply to Muslims, so that the image of Islam is in its proper place. Let’s not make this religion something that can damage relationships or negative impressions from other races”, he said.

Hajiji was officiating a ground breaking ceremony for Masjid Ar-Rahman at Bandar Sri Indah, Sunday. He also expressed appreciation and thanks to Member of Parliament for Tawau, Datuk Lo Su Fui and his family, for generously donating five acres for the site of the Ar-Rahman Mosque Bandar Sri Indah Tawau.

He said the State Government provided an allocation of RM3 million as a start for the construction of the mosque to accommodate the needs of the some 10,000 residents.

He hoped the Masjid Ar-Rahman, when built, would be the most active and competitive mosque in Tawau.

“I hope construction work can start immediately to ensure that this new mosque is completed as planned within its schedule,” he said.

According to him, the construction of a mosque or surau is highly demanded, especially in an area with a Muslim population.

“For example, the provision of space for Al-Quran study class programs, Fardhu Ain and Fardhu Kifayah classes, and some even provide space for religious activities including conducting thanksgiving prayers and so on.

Therefore, the mosque is now a multi-purpose centre towards the progress and development of the community, in accordance with the current needs and developments.” 

Also present were the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation Datuk Dr Mohd. Arifin Mohd. Arif, State Secretary Datuk Seri Sr. Safar Untong, Assistant Minister to the Chief Minister, Datuk Nizam Abu Bakar Titingan, Balung assemblyman Datuk Hamild @ Hamid Awang and Kukusan assemblyman Rina Jainal.

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