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Sabah has most mosques in Malaysia: CM
Published on: Sunday, June 30, 2024
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Sabah has most mosques in Malaysia: CM
Hajiji and others planted date palm saplings at the event.
TAWAU: Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor said Sabah has 1,127 mosques, the highest number in Malaysia, aside from 1,221 suraus.

He said there are 133 mosques and 103 suraus in the district alone, the second-highest number in the State after Semporna, which has 246 mosques and suraus.

He said that although Islam is the official religion of this country, non-Muslim citizens are free to practise their respective faiths.

"It does not mean having many mosques can disrupt harmony and unity among the races and faiths in Sabah and our country.

"We must be disciplined Muslims with morals to lean towards justice, unity, and progress.

"This must be instilled in Muslims so that the image of Islam is held in the highest regard.

"Let us not make this religion something that can damage relationships or create negative perceptions among non-Muslim communities," he said at the groundbreaking ceremony for Ar-Rahman Mosque, in Bandar Sri Indah, here, on Sunday.

He said that the State Government has allocated RM3 million as an initial amount for constructing the mosque to address the inadequate facilities in the area, which has approximately 10,000 residents.

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