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Govt yet to decide on petrol subsidy rationalisation, says PM Anwar
Published on: Saturday, June 29, 2024
By: Bernama
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Govt yet to decide on petrol subsidy rationalisation, says PM Anwar
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said said the government has yet to make any decision on the need to rationalise the RON95 petrol subsidy. — Bernama pic
GEORGE TOWN: The government has yet to make any decision on the need to rationalise the RON95 petrol subsidy, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said.

He said Economy Minister Rafizi Ramli’s recent statements primarily focused on targeted diesel subsidies, which the government is studying for implementation effectiveness, adding that if any members of the public feel affected, they can appeal for subsidy assistance.

“I read Rafizi’s text; he mentioned that we are focusing on diesel, which needs careful consideration for its implementation and if anyone feels they have been affected, they should submit their appeal,” he told reporters after officiating the Penang Inland Revenue Board (IRB) building here today.

He was responding to Rafizi’s statement during an interview with Bloomberg at the World Economic Forum in Dalian, China, on Thursday. Rafizi had jokingly mentioned a ‘petrol surprise’ following the bulk diesel subsidy abolition.

Meanwhile, on the upcoming by-election for the Nenggiri state seat in Kelantan, Anwar said parties in the Unity Government would hold discussions on the matter.

“Nenggiri, let them discuss,” he answered briefly.

The Election Commission (EC) has scheduled the Nenggiri by-election for August 17, with nominations set for August 3 and early voting August 13.

This follows the casual vacancy for the seat after its incumbent, Mohd Azizi Abu Naim, was declared to have had his Bersatu membership revoked on June 13. 

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