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Native Title land survey in Ranau
Published on: Saturday, June 29, 2024
By: Clarence Dol
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Native Title land survey in Ranau
Dr Joachim in a group photo with the attendees at the Pantas briefing session at Balai Raya Kg Pinawantai.
RANAU: The measurement of Sabah Native Land Programme (Pantas) will be carried out in the Turuntungon Zone involving eight villages, said Deputy Chief Minister II, Datuk Seri Dr Joachim Gunsalam.

While attending a briefing held regarding the implementation of the project at Balai Raya Kg Pinawantai, he said a special Pantas committee will be formed in each village.

The briefing was also attended by a total of 800 residents from eight villages, including the Village Heads, members of the Village Development and Security Committee (JKKK), villagers and members of the Kundasang Community Development Leaders Unit (UPPM).

Among the villages involved are Kg Tarawas, Kg Pahu Pinawantai, Kg Pinawantai, Kg Turuntongon, Kg Monggis, Kg Togop Laut, Kg Togop Darat and Kg Daramakon.

In the briefing, attendees were briefed by the Assistant Land Revenue Collector’s Office (PPHT) Jaidi Gulis, and the Assistant Director of Surveyors of the West Coast (North), Quzaimi Hassan.

Dr Joachim, who is also Kundasang Assemblyman, said the programme is the best method to solve the problem of land applications by residents in the area (Turuntungon Zone) because many land applications overlap, resulting in difficulties for the Land and Survey Department (JTU) to process their applications.

“For information, the implementation of Pantas has already been implemented in four zones in Ranau,” he said.

As a result of the briefing session, Dr Joachim concluded that a special Pantas committee will be formed in each village.

“Each village needs to have a representative together with the head of the village to facilitate the application process at the PPHT office,” he said.

He thanked PPHT, Ranau District Surveyor for holding the briefing session, which was held in collaboration with UPPM Kundasang.

Also present were the Political Secretaries I and II of the Ministry, Datuk Jonnybone Kurum and Yubidi Gompoyo; Community Leader Officer (PPM), Dounis Sani; Ranau District Head, OKK Dominic Ganie; Native Chiefs (KAN) and Representatives of Native Chiefs (WKAN).

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