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Energy: Sabah eyes pole position
Published on: Saturday, June 29, 2024
By: Sherell Jeffrey
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Energy: Sabah eyes pole position
Harris also said innovation and technology are important components of Sabah’s energy future and called for increased investment in research and development, support for start-ups and partnerships with global technology leaders. 
Kota Kinabalu: Sabah aims to position itself as a key player in the nation’s energy landscape by leveraging its natural resources, embracing renewable energy, fostering innovation and prioritising sustainability. 

Sabah Oil and Gas Services Council (SOGSC) President Datuk Harris Annuar Tan said the success of this ambitious plan would depend on the effective collaboration between government entities, private sector players, the local community and investments in infrastructure and human capital development.

“Being endowed with significant oil and gas reserves, abundant sunshine, fertile land for biomass and vast hydropower potential, Sabah’s strategic location and rich natural resources provide us with unique opportunities,” he said in his special address at the 11th Sabah Oil, Gas and Energy Conference and Exhibition 2024, here, Thursday.

“We need a diversified approach to energy production, integrating traditional oil and gas sectors with renewable alternatives.

“This strategy would position Sabah as a beacon of energy diversification, setting a model for the rest of the nation,” he said in his address titled “Sabah oil and gas, services and equipment (OGSE) sector in positioning and accelerating Sabah as catalyst for national energy aspiration”. 

He said as the world turn towards greener solutions, the Sabah OGSE sector must lead the charge in embracing renewable sources.

“Solar power, wind energy, hydroelectricity and biomass can collectively transform our energy landscape. 

“Investing in clean energy is an investment in our future, one that promises long-term environmental and economic benefits,” he said. 

He also said innovation and technology are important components of Sabah’s energy future and called for increased investment in research and development, support for start-ups and partnerships with global technology leaders. 

“By doing so, Sabah can become a hub for energy innovation, attract investments and create high-value jobs for our people,” he said. 

He also said collaboration between various stakeholders is important and that the energy transformation requires the collective effort of the Federal and State governments, OGSE sectors and private sector. 

“Public-private partnerships will be important in mobilising the necessary investments and expertise,” he said. 

In addition, he said education and workforce development is key in realising Sabah’s energy ambitions. 

“We need to invest in the development of a skilled workforce equipped to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving energy sector,” said Harris who is instrumental in assisting to develop the Sabahan local content in his capacity as SOGSC President. 

He advocates for the promotion of science, technology, engineering and mathematics education, vocational training and continuous learning to nurture a talent pool ready to drive innovation and excellence. 

He also called for an integrated approach that considers environmental, social and economic factors. 

“Implementing best practices in environment management, promoting energy efficiency and ensuring equitable access to energy resources are essential for creating a sustainable future,” he said. 

In his concluding remarks, he said the journey to positioning and accelerating Sabah as a catalyst for national energy aspirations is one of ambition, collaboration and unwavering commitment. 

“Let us embrace this opportunity with determination and unity, working together to build a sustainable and prosperous future for Sabah and Malaysia,” he said.

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