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Mojuntin’s granddaughter joins call to lift book ban
Published on: Saturday, June 29, 2024
By: Suria Abdullah
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Mojuntin’s granddaughter joins call to lift book ban
Atalia said the book was first banned in the same year it was published under Perintah Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (Tegahan Mengenai Penerbitan), Internal Security Act 1960 (ISA). 
Kota Kinabalu: An open letter requesting a lift of ban on the book, “Peter J. Mojuntin: The Golden Son of the Kadazan”, has been sent to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for consideration.

Penned by Atalia Mae Albert Jaua, granddaughter of the late Mojuntin, the letter touched on why the lift was needed and how it would affect not only families but also Sabahans.

She said Mojuntin, the former Sabah Minister of Local Government and Housing, perished due in the Sabah Air GAF Nomad crash on June 6, 1976, otherwise known as the Double Six

She said the posthumous biography, written by Bernard Sta Maria, was first published in 1978 and banned that same year.

“He wrote the book with the intention of telling the journey of Mojuntin in fighting for the independence of Sabah (then North Borneo) and safeguarding the rights of the State and the people of Sabah,” Atalia wrote. 

“The book is currently banned because of its criticism of the Federal Government’s policies and attitude towards Sabah at the time,” she said. 

She said the book was first banned in the same year it was published under Perintah Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (Tegahan Mengenai Penerbitan), Internal Security Act 1960 (ISA). 

However, the ban was not lifted even after ISA was abolished and now the ban is under Section 32(2)(a) of the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (Sosma), said Atalia.

She said Mojuntin was a leader who deeply cared about the people of Sabah and was willing to work and negotiate as long as the Federal Government acted fairly.

She said it was necessary that Mojuntin expressed and questioned certain actions of the Federal Government to ensure smooth and fair governance of the State and Federation.

“This brings in the matter of freedom of speech and transparent governance. I believe Datuk Seri knows this more than anyone else,” said Atalia. 

“You were and still are a freedom and corruption fighter as well as a vocal critic on issues of inconsistencies and discrimination. Show and prove to us that it is true when you once said, ‘Anak Melayu, Anak Cina, Anak India, Anak Kadazan, Anak Iban semua anak saya’,” she said.

She said Mojuntin was a Kadazan that passed too soon before he could show devotion to Sabah and the Federation at 37 years old.

Atalia said furthermore, it was absurd to keep the ban on a book that is currently available for free on the internet. 

Referring to the Streisand effect, banning a book often draws more attention to it, which leads to more people being increasingly interested in reading it, she said. 

She said the more attempts there are to hide or censor information, the more it will inadvertently lead to the wider dissemination of that information.

Atalia said as the book is available online, some people may even have kept a copy of the book for their own personal reading, thus dismissing the author’s labour and dedication that went into its development. 

“So, it is safe to say that the ban is simply symbolic as the prohibition seems to be ineffective in the digital age. Lifting the ban on the book to acknowledge its existence is a better approach than sustaining the controversy surrounding its prohibition,” she said.

She said banning the book can create a perception of censorship and governmental overreach, which can galvanise opposition and criticism against the authorities. It can also undermine trust in the Government’s commitment to free speech and democratic values, said Atalia.

Recalling what the Huguan Siou Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan said to Anwar during his visit here at the Kaamatan Festival in Hongkod Koisaan KDCA on May 31, he had also asked the PM to consider lifting the ban on this book.

She said the people of Sabah place their utmost trust in Anwar to make a wise decision, as doing so will demonstrate recognition of Mojuntin’s fight for freedom and justice.

Atalia said Anwar’s decision could also potentially bridge divides, heal past grievances and fortify the trust between the government and the people of Sabah.

“I sincerely hope Datuk Seri (Anwar) will honour Mojuntin’s memory and his fight for justice by allowing his story to be freely read and understood by future generations.” 

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