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Jail, rotan for assaulting and robbing bank staff
Published on: Thursday, June 27, 2024
By: Cynthia D Baga
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Jail, rotan for assaulting and robbing bank staff
The offence under Section 397 of the Penal Code carries a jail term of up to 14 years, and whipping on conviction.
Kota Kinabalu: A 30-year-old Filipino who assaulted a bank staff with a wood while robbing her was jailed nine years and ordered to get three strokes of the cane.

Sessions Court Judge Amir Shah Amir Hassan handed down the sentence to Mohammad Sabri Abdulpatta who pleaded guilty, Wednesday.

Mohammad had assaulted the 52-year-old woman while robbing her of a smartphone, three credit cards, three debit cards, MyKad, driving licence, a bunch of keys, wristwatch, RM300 cash and an access card.

The offence took place at 6.30am on Feb 16 behind a hotel, here.

The offence under Section 397 of the Penal Code carries a jail term of up to 14 years, and whipping on conviction.

During mitigation, Mohammad, who was not represented, asked for leniency saying that he needed to take care of his parents and promised not to commit any offence in future.

However, Deputy Public Prosecutor Al Hakim urged the court to impose a deterrent sentence for the sake of public interest.

He added that Mohammad had punched and hit the victim while robbing her.

Al Hakim further said that it was a serious offence as the incident occurred during daylight.

After serving the jail sentence, the court ordered Mohammad to be referred to the Immigration Department.

The court heard that the incident happened while the victim was walking towards her workplace when Mohammad approached her, hit her with a wood from behind and grabbed her handbag containing her belongings.

The victim who worked at the nearby bank sustained injuries to her face and body.

Mohammad had sold the victim’s handphone. Following the police report, Mohammad was arrested.

In February, the footage of the incident was spread on social media.

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