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Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry monitoring Sandakan egg supply and prices
Published on: Tuesday, June 25, 2024
By: Winnie Kasmir
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 Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry monitoring Sandakan egg supply and prices
KPDN officer checking the price of eggs at a supermarket in Sandakan.
SANDAKAN: The Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry (KPDN) is intensifying monitoring and inspection of the supply and prices of chicken eggs at the wholesale and retail levels in the district.

Sandakan KPDN Chief Enforcement Officer Azdy Zukkry John said this follows the reduction in the retail price of grade A, B and C eggs nationwide by three sen per egg, effective June 17.

“Since the reduction in the retail price of grade A, B and C eggs, Sandakan KPDN has taken immediate action by conducting inspections and monitoring several main suppliers and key supermarkets frequented by consumers.

“Inspections of the three main suppliers of grade A, B and C eggs found that they deliver supplies daily except on Sundays to major supermarkets in Sandakan.

“The delivery of grade A, B and C eggs also includes other eggs that the Government does not regulate, and deliveries are made either in the morning or afternoon,” he said in a statement, Monday.

Azdy said that based on Monday’s inspections, the total current stock of grade A, B and C eggs at the three main suppliers is 63,750 eggs.

“Meanwhile, the total number of grade A, B and C eggs delivered from the three main suppliers to major supermarkets in the Sandakan district is 54,000 eggs or 84.71 per cent.

“The remaining 9,750 eggs, or 15.29 per cent, are being delivered to business premises in the district.

“This information indicates that the supply of chicken eggs in Sandakan is not experiencing issues and remains sufficient for household use, particularly after the price reduction that took effect on June 17,” he said.

However, KPDN will continue to monitor and inspect daily across every distribution chain, including farms, wholesalers and retailers, to ensure there are no disruptions to the supply, especially of grade A, B, and C chicken eggs.

Therefore, KPDN will not compromise with any party attempting to disrupt the supply or manipulate the controlled price of chicken eggs.

During working hours, consumers in the district can contact the KPDN Sandakan office at 089-668107 for further information regarding the supply of grade A, B and C chicken eggs.

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