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RM650,000 contraband liquor and fags seized
Published on: Tuesday, June 25, 2024
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RM650,000 contraband liquor and fags seized
The contraband liquor from Labuan worth about RM350,000 seized.
Kota Kinabalu: The Sabah Royal Malaysian Customs Department (JKDM) seized 2,500 cartons of liquor worth RM347,223.60, including duty and tax, smuggled into the State from the duty-free island of Labuan, recently.

Sabah Zone Customs Assistant Director-General Datuk Mohd Nasir Deraman said the liquor was estimated to be worth RM68,766, while duties and taxes totalled RM278,457.60.

He said as a result of intelligence information, JKDM detained and inspected a lorry at Km 1, Jalan Lama Papar-Kota Kinabalu, Kampung Novoung, Papar, at 11pm, on June 12.

“An inspection found that the lorry had a load of blue drums placed and arranged on top of the lorry. 

“Further inspection found that there were 2,500 cartons of liquor labelled Malaysian Duty Not Paid (MDNP) of various brands hidden under the drums.

“A 43-year-old local man acting as a lorry driver was arrested to assist the investigation. 

“Smuggling not only harms the country in terms of lost revenue, but also poses a threat to national security and the well-being of the people,” he said at a press conference here, Monday.

He said the case was being investigated under Section 135(1)(e) of the Customs Act 1967 for the offence of transporting goods without customs for the purpose of evading tax.

In this regard, Mohd Nasir said the public is advised to cooperate by channelling information related to any smuggling activities on the Customs Toll Free line 1-800-88-8855, and that the identity of each informant is kept confidential.

Meanwhile, in LAHAD DATU, a 29-year-old lorry driver was caught smuggling contraband cigarettes worth more than RM300,000 on Sunday.

The driver, who acted suspiciously, was stopped by marine police at 5.30pm at Mile 7, Lahad Datu ByPass.

Sabah (Region 4) Marine Police Commander ACP Ahmad Ariffin said an inspection on the cargo, in the suspect’s presence, found 10,213 packets of cigarettes without the Customs duty stamp.

“The suspect was detained, while the vehicle and cigarettes were confiscated. The seized cigarettes are valued at RM306,390, while the total value, including the lorry, is RM351,390,” he said.

The suspect and the confiscated items were taken to the Lahad Datu Marine Operations Headquarters for further action.

Initial investigations revealed the cigarettes were smuggled in from a neighbouring country for distribution in this district, and other areas in the State. The case is being investigated under the Customs Act 1967.

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