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Don’t undermine efforts: Tiong
Published on: Tuesday, June 25, 2024
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Don’t undermine efforts: Tiong
Tiong highlighted several initiatives undertaken by the Ministry including opening chartered flights to Sabah to attract more international tourists, engaging in discussions with local authorities to enhance tourism quality and safety and requesting a master plan for tourism development from the local government. 
Kota Kinabalu: Tourism, Arts, and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing urged critics to refrain from undermining his Ministry’s efforts without basis to further their agendas or acquire political capital.

While welcoming constructive criticism, he warned against “the deliberate spreading of baseless accusations”. 

Among others, he took a dim view of the criticisms of Datuk John Lo in the opinion page of the Daily Express recently on the Ministry’s efforts in promoting tourism in Sabah. 

He said it dismissed the efforts of Motac and an insul to the decades-long work Motac has put in.

Tiong highlighted several initiatives undertaken by the Ministry including opening chartered flights to Sabah to attract more international tourists, engaging in discussions with local authorities to enhance tourism quality and safety and requesting a master plan for tourism development from the local government. 

“The Ministry recognises Sabah as a prominent tourist destination for Malaysia. We strive to enhance its competitiveness, convenience and tourism safety, including opening chartered flights to connect to Sabah. This will attract more international tourists from around the world and promote economic growth.

 “From August 2023 to May 2024, the department actively engaged with relevant parties, including a crucial meeting on May 24, 2024 with Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji to discuss enhancing Sabah’s tourism quality, strengthening safety guidelines and improving airport clearance efficiency.

 “Furthermore, Motac has requested the local government to provide a master plan for tourism development. However, over the past eight to nine months, we haven’t seen a single page. So, I ask, who is really not supporting Sabah’s tourism industry?

“We are focused on the issues, not the individuals. We are not seeking credit, but simply trying our best to solve problems as they arise. Therefore, I hope everyone can speak honestly and provide ‘reasonable evaluations’ of our department officials,” he wrote on his Facebook post. 

He also said with the new Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) regulations released, the Ministry is once again under fire from many parties. 

“Perhaps certain regulations do not favour some people’s financial prospects, leading to drastic measures, elaborate news articles, or even ‘seeking protection’, with no concern about senior Sabah officials not attending important meetings?

“I hope those involved can honestly ask themselves: are their statements truly for the local government and the country, or are they stirring up trouble for no reason?

“After all, the new MM2H regulations had consumed much time and effort of my Ministry official, only after numerous adjustments did it come into effect smoothly. 

He hoped it would encourage people from around the world to choose Malaysia as their second home, thereby contributing to national economic growth and improving people’s lives. 

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