Fri, 28 Jun 2024



Wellbeing of people a government priority
Published on: Monday, June 24, 2024
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Wellbeing of people a government priority
Officials pose for a group photo during the official opening ceremony of the JKKK Management and Administration Course held in Tuaran.
THE Gabungan Rakyat Sabah-Pakatan Harapan (GRS-PH) Plus State Government is committed to cooperating fully with the Federal Government to develop villages throughout the State to achieve balanced development, said Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor. 

He urged all people’s representatives in Sabah to involve the Village Development and Security Committees (JKKKs) in every planning and implementation of rural development.  

He said the involvement of grassroots leaders can help provide more organised development planning, coherent and meet the real needs of the people.

“This includes jointly realising the Hala Tuju Sabah Maju Jaya (SMJ) Development Plan as the State’s development agenda and plan.

The SMJ aims to revive the economy and wellbeing of the people in the State,” he said when officiating the opening of the JKKK Management and Administration Course Series 2/2024 for the Sulaman and Pantai Dalit state constituencies and handover of the Rumah Mesra SMJ keys at the Shangri-La Rasa Ria, Tuaran, on June 13. His speech was read by Rural Development Minister Datuk Jahid Jahim.

Hajiji said the wellbeing of the people, including home ownership, is a government priority through one of the thrusts in the Hala Tuju SMJ.

Implementing the Rumah Mesra SMJ is very timely to lift rural residents out of poverty and ensure the provision of affordable housing for them.

He said in addition to paying attention to the major growth sectors and economic recovery in the Hala Tuju SMJ, the Government is also focusing on the second thrust of the development plan, which is human capital and people’s prosperity, including ensuring they have a home.

Hajiji said the Rumah Mesra SMJ assistance was launched in 2022, involving the construction of 1,500 units of Rumah Mesra SMJ for free for the poor and hardcore poor, especially those listed in the e-Kasih system and those who do not have their own homes in the 73 state constituencies in Sabah.

“I often emphasise that all planned government policies and programmes must be oriented towards the people’s prosperity. The poor should not be marginalised,” he said.

He also wants all JKKKs to strive to continuously improve their knowledge and skills to strengthen their capabilities and competencies as leaders and administrators at the most basic level. 

He said unity and cooperation between JKKKs also need to be nurtured and enhanced to ensure the success of all development agendas planned by the Government.  

The Chief Minister said an important matter that needs attention is the effort to always approach the community to create understanding and public confidence in the leaders and Government. 

The consensus formed can ensure that all plans are successfully implemented and have an impact for the benefit of the people, he added.

Hajiji said the JKKK Chairman is the Government’s representative to provide accurate explanations and information to the community so that they are not easily influenced by malicious elements trying to divide the unity of the multi-racial and multi-religious people in Sabah.

He said considering that certain parties are always trying and working to deny every development and agenda implemented by the Government, all the JKKK chairmen and committee members play an important role in helping the Government refute all those baseless claims.

The handing over of the authority letter under the Rural Administration Enactment (Amendment) 2023 to Dewan Bandaraya Kota Kinabalu, Tawau and Sandakan Municipal Councils and district officers across Sabah was also held at the ceremony.  

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