Fri, 28 Jun 2024



Sabah lacks certified netball coaches
Published on: Monday, June 24, 2024
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Sabah lacks certified netball coaches
Doresia (fourth right) receiving the award from Norlidah.
Kota Kinabalu: Netball enthusiasts are called to participate in a recognised certification course to produce more certified coaches in the State.

Sabah Netball Association (Sabana) President, Chendramata Sinteh said that Sabah still lacks certified coaches and called for more players in the sport to attend courses recognised by the Malaysian Netball Association (PBJM) and the National Coaching Academy.

“Apart from the development of athletes, coaches, referees and technical officers are also among the main focuses actively implemented by Sabana because they are the backbone of the sport.

“Sabana believes in the importance of development from the grassroots, coaches and referees need to be improved to produce more qualified coaches thus helping to produce elite level athletes.

“We will work with PBJM to continue organising the courses in the state of Sabah,” he said during the Sabana 2024 Fundraising Dinner here on Friday.

The ceremony was attended by the State Governor’s wife, Toh Puan Norlidah R.M Jasni, who completed the presentation of netball awards to two experienced coaches, Doresia Lomongkok (Licence B) and Halleinah Tuanggaak (Licence C).

In addition, Norlidah also presented the Malaysian Player Award to Nurirdina Sumaya Mohd Zaidi and the Referee Badge B Award to Emma Nadia John.

In the same ceremony, the Sabana Strategic Plan for the period 2023-2027 was also launched which is in line with the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Youth and Sports and adapted to the direction of Sabah netball.

Sabana is committed to implementing all six cores or dimensions of action designed to achieve the association’s vision which is as a platform to empower the sport of netball and produce national and international level athletes.

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