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Glad to be out of Death Row
Published on: Sunday, June 23, 2024
By: Nora Ahmad
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Glad to be out of Death Row
David (not his real name), 50, has been spared the mandatory death penalty and is now serving a prison sentence with three years remaining.
Kota Kinabalu: A former death row inmate did not anticipate that the abolition of the Mandatory Death Penalty 2023 (Act 846), enforced by the government on July 4, 2023, would mean new hope to him.

David (not his real name), 50, has been spared the mandatory death penalty and is now serving a prison sentence with three years remaining.

He and two other friends were convicted under Section 302 of the Penal Code for murder during an incident at a convenience store in Penampang in 2001.

“It’s hard for me to recount the incident because I don’t know how I was among those accused. There were seven of us during the incident, and I didn’t get out of the vehicle.

“However, in that incident, a convenience store employee died, and another was injured,” he said when met by reporters at the Kota Kinabalu Central Prison on Thursday.

David had just met his mother after being selected as one of 29 inmates to attend the Jalinan Kasih event at the prison, which was held in conjunction with the Kaamatan Festival and Aidiladha.

David added that following the enforcement of the abolition of the death penalty, he had appealed and was subsequently spared from the death sentence.

“I am very grateful for being given a second chance. Now, I only need to serve three more years in prison before being released,” he said.

David said that during his 18 years in prison, he learned many things, including spiritual rehabilitation.

“I am determined that once I am released, I will spend time with my elderly mother. She also advised me to always behave well during the remaining period,” he said.

Meanwhile, another death row inmate, known as Alex, 45, hopes the court will consider his recent appeal.

Alex, currently serving a sentence under Section 302 of the Penal Code, has been in prison for five years.

Recalling the incident that led to his death sentence, Alex said they were celebrating a friend who was about to migrate for work in a neighbouring country.

“During the incident, my friend (the victim) and I were drunk. At that time, I found my wallet and mobile phone missing.

“The fight started when we could not control our anger, leading to a brawl. I ended up beating him until he was hospitalised and later pronounced dead,” he said.

Alex admitted to his wrongdoing and said he had learned much while in prison.

“Since being here, I have undergone many changes and have participated in religious activities, including learning how to pray,” he said.

He added that he recently submitted documents to appeal against the death sentence imposed on him in 2019.

“I hope to be spared the death penalty and serve a prison sentence instead,” he said.


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