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Two Malaysians wow netizens by speaking nine languages
Published on: Friday, June 21, 2024
By: Jessie Lee
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Two Malaysians wow netizens by speaking nine languages
Instagram users Dhivenya (@dhivenya) and Thomas (@qz_au) each speak six languages and have captivated netizens with their multilanguage skills. (Instagram pic)
Kota Kinabalu: Many generations in our country are polyglots, but these two Malaysians are taking it to the next level by speaking nine languages in a viral video.

Instagram users Dhivenya (@dhivenya) and Thomas (@qz_au) each speak six languages and have captivated netizens with their multilanguage skills.

In a video, they converse in English, Malay, French, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, Chinese, Cantonese and Tamil.

In the comments section, one netizen asked how the languages skills were acquired, to which Thomas said from books, watching TV shows with subtitles and especially through conversations.

Having studied in the Netherlands, Thomas had his courses in English but spent 61 days picking up Dutch with books and TV during lockdown in 2020, World of Buzz reported.

He said his language skills in French were acquired through similar methods but thought the language was more challenging to learn.

Dhivenya said she had the opportunity to learn French well while in Tours, France, where she attended intensive French classes for a year.

“Learning multiple languages can help boost career prospects and I am planning to learn more languages, such as Germanic languages, Mandarin, Hindi and Arabic,” she said.

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