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Illegal jailed for cutting telco cable
Published on: Saturday, June 15, 2024
By: Jo Ann Mool
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Illegal jailed for cutting telco cable
The charge under Section 431A of the Penal Code, which carries a jail term of up to two years or fine or both, on conviction. The prosecution informed the court that Azmil was caught red-handed by Telekom Malaysia’s staff committing the offence and was handed over to police.
Kota Kinabalu: An illegal immigrant was jailed eight months for committing mischief by cutting a cable belonging to a telecommunication company.

Azmil Mohammad, 37, admitted to committing the offence on May 26, at 2am, at Jalan Bukit Perwira, near the Museum Sabah here.

The charge under Section 431A of the Penal Code, which carries a jail term of up to two years or fine or both, on conviction.

The prosecution informed the court that Azmil was caught red-handed by Telekom Malaysia’s staff committing the offence and was handed over to police.

The court ordered Azmil’s sentence to run from the date of his arrest and for him to be referred to the Immigration Department thereafter.

The Magistrate’s Court sentenced an unemployed man to 10 months’ jail for keeping a stolen motorcycle.

Mohd Hairie Abd Hamid, 24, pleaded guilty before Magistrate Stephanie Sherron Abbie to having the stolen Honda Wave Alpha belonging to Ahmad Saddam at noon on March 21, this year, at the roadside behind the General Market at the city centre.

Hairie changed his plea to guilty under Section 411 of the Penal Code which carries a jail term of between six months and five years and liability of a fine, on conviction.

On March 26, Hairie claimed trial to the charge.

The court heard from the prosecution that the machine was reported stolen on Jan 10, this year from the Asia City construction site here. 

Hairie was apprehended by a relative of the complainant, who met with him after seeing Hairie’s Facebook post attempting to sell the said stolen motorcycle, and subsequently handed him over to the police. 

Hairie confessed to possessing the stolen machine for personal use as well as intending to sell it for financial gain.

Represented by counsel Lim Ming Zoon @ Lawrence, Hairie requested a lenient sentence while the prosecution applied an adequate sentence.

The court ordered Hairie to serve the sentence from the date of his arrest.

Meanwhile, a 23-year-old woman was fined RM2,500 or two months in jail for having gambling paraphernalia.

Chrissa Ica pleaded guilty to purchasing two illegal lottery tickets at 4.15pm, on June 5, in front of a premises, Jalan Banjaran, Taman Tuan Huatt, here.

The facts of the case stated that Chrissa was detained by police during Ops Dadu following a recovery of the gambling paraphernalia including a handphone, a mobile printer, and RM100 in cash from her.

The charge under Section 9(1) of the Common Gaming House Act 1953 provides for a fine of up to RM5,000 or jail term of up to six months or both, on conviction.

The court ordered the seized money to be forfeited to the government. 

Inspector Suzie SK prosecuted.

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