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Stranded Taiwanese tourists touched by kind Sabahans who came to their aid
Published on: Friday, June 14, 2024
By: Jessie Lee
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Stranded Taiwanese tourists touched by kind Sabahans who came to their aid
Local kindness: A man gives a stranded Taiwanese tourist couple and their flat-tyre motorcycle a ride on his pickup truck to a workshop. (Photo: Zoebitalk)
Kota Kinabalu: A Taiwanese backpacking couple stranded on a mountain road trip recently have recorded their gratitude in a vlog to kind Sabahans who came to their aid.

YouTuber Zoebitalk said a flat motorcycle tyre had left them helpless with no mobile signal or village nearby, until a white truck stopped when she flagged it down and took them and their machine up to look for a workshop.

She said in Taiwan people would call a repair team from a workshop to their breakdown location.

“He (the gentleman who helped, driver of the white truck) said the car repair shop could not be reached by phone, so he offered us a ride instead,” she says in the vlog uploaded on May 29.

“That’s how the ‘rescue truck’ set off.” 

The vlog shows the helpful gentleman communicating with the workshop for the duo upon arrival after finding several others closed.

“So if you need anything, just ask them,” he told the backpackers.

The couple attempted several times to give him money as a gesture of appreciation.

“No, no, you don’t have to… because we are Malaysians. (And) this is my village. It is okay,” he told them as he returned the money they had slipped to the passengers in his truck.

The couple say further in the vlog that they were touched by the kindness of the people in East Malaysia whom they encountered.

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