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Missing antenna disrupts network reception in Sipitang villages
Published on: Friday, June 14, 2024
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Missing antenna disrupts network reception in Sipitang villages
The tower with missing antenna.
SIPITANG: Several villages here have experienced communication network disruptions from last Friday until now, said the President of the Murut Sipitang Community Association (PMMS), Eric Suab Boh.

Eric said the communication disruptions had caused many residents to feel anxious.

He claimed that the disruption was caused by the theft of an antenna at the communication tower in Kampung Kaban, Mukim Melamam, which the Malaysian Communications Commission confirmed.

“This is the first time an antenna in a high and dangerous location has been stolen, resulting in the loss of the Internet network,” he said.

He added that the affected villages are Kg Melamam, Kg Kaban, Kg Ulau, Kg Marau, Kg Damai, Kg Ulu Melamam, Kg Alutok, Kg Muaya, Kg Muaya Baru, Kg Bamban, Kg Mendulong, Kg Skim LIGS Mendulong, Kg Kebawang, Kg Kelangsat, Kg Sungai Iteh, Kg Pengarawan, Kg Solob, Kg Tunas Baru, Kg Pakiak, Kg Ganui, Kg Kabiah, Kg Tanah Merah, Kg Malagau, Kg Lumampau and Kg Samin.

Eric said the antenna theft was outrageous as it affected the Internet network.

“With the network down, it will make it difficult for residents to communicate, especially to contact emergency services such as ambulance, police, and fire services.

“Moreover, students who rely heavily on the Internet for schoolwork are significantly impacted.

“Telecommunication companies should also install CCTV to catch the thieves,” he said.

Meanwhile, Eric also hoped that the network disruption in Long Pasia and several villages could be resolved. 

The telecommunications company is currently using generator sets that frequently run out of petrol and need to be replaced with solar power.

 “Additionally, the generator set in Long Pasia has been malfunctioning for a long time and often shuts down, sometimes up to 10 times a day, in areas near the tower,” he said.

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