Wed, 26 Jun 2024



Climber dies before reaching the summit
Published on: Friday, June 14, 2024
By: Clarence Dol
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Climber dies before reaching the summit
The victim being carried down to Timpohon Gate by Mosar personnel.
RANAU: A 52-year-old who was hoping to catch the sunrise on Mt Kinabalu collapsed and died before he could reach the summit on Wednesday.

He lost consciousness at Km 8.3 of the Mt Kinabalu Summit Trail at 5.30am.

The Ranau District Control Centre (DCC) received a call from the Kundasang police station at 11am informing that there was a death involving a man while climbing the mountain, said Ranau District Police Chief DSP Simiun Lomudin.

“The victim made the climb from Timpohon Gate last Tuesday with his wife and nine other people in the group, including three Malim Gunung accompanying them.

“Upon arrival at Km 8.3, the man suddenly stopped and collapsed.

“The Malim Gunung rendered CPR but failed to save him,” he said.

The victim was carried down to Timpohon Gate by Mosar (Mountain Search and Rescue) personnel where he was confirmed dead by a Kundasang Health Clinic Medical Officer.

“The body was then taken to the Forensic Department of the Ranau Hospital for an autopsy to determine the cause of death. This case has been classified as sudden death (SDR),” he said.

Those who want to climb Mt Kinabalu are advised to make sure they are in good health.

Ranau Fire and Rescue Chief Ridwan Mohd Taib said it was the third case in June and 16th for 2024.

In January, three climbers suffered various injuries while climbing Mt Kinabalu, while in February (2), March (2), April (0) and May (6).

He advised climbers scaling Mt Kinabalu to be extra careful during the current unpredictable weather because the ground surface and rocks are more slippery than during normal weather.

“Always climb in groups, don’t walk alone and make sure to be attentive to the guide’s advice,” he said.  

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