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Allow Anwar time on Labuan issues: Suhaili
Published on: Sunday, June 09, 2024
By: Sohan Das
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Allow Anwar time on Labuan issues: Suhaili
Anwar during briefing regarding Labuan Smart City Proof of Concept held at Wisma Perbadanan Labuan, recently.
LABUAN: Member of Parliament Datuk Suhaili Abdul Rahman said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim should be given the opportunity and time to resolve Labuan-related issues, considering that he (Anwar) has held the post for only less than two years (since November 2022).

He called on Labuanites to take note of the fact that since becoming PM, Anwar had already visited the island twice, one at the end of last year and the other this month, despite his busy schedule.

“This should be seen as a clear indication of the PM’s concern and his determination to elevate Labuan further,” said Suhaili.

He added that the PM had also instructed his ministers, secretary-generals and director generals to visit the island to identify the weaknesses and do what is needed for the good of Labuan.

“It is therefore unfair to suggest that the Madani government is neglecting Labuan. Time is needed for results to be seen,” said Suhaili.

He acknowledged that he had also favoured Labuan’s return to Sabah before. 

“But that was when I was in the opposition. Now, having seen the works of the PM, I stand strongly and firmly behind him.”

Datuk Suhaili Abdul Rahman

Regarding former Sabah Chief Minister Tan Sri Harris Salleh’s call for Labuan’s return to Sabah if the Federal Government was unable to implement suggestions on Labuan, Suhaili said: 

“I appreciate Harris’ concern. He has every right to suggest so since Labuan was federalised in 1984 during his Parti Berjaya rule in Sabah.”

Local businessman Balvir Singh admitted that while Labuan was under Sabah, several industries were established on the island.

“But there are also plus points for Labuan as Federal Territory. Since the change in status Labuan became a financial centre, a semi-educational hub, upgraded and new roads, better hospital, airport and other amenities and facilities,” said Balvir.

He doubted Sabah, with its electricity, water, road and other problems, including many districts needing attention, could greatly help Labuan.


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