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Anwar announces RM200mil boost for TVET programmes
Published on: Saturday, June 08, 2024
By: FMT, Elill Easwaran
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Anwar announces RM200mil boost for TVET programmes
Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said the extra funding is to create high-impact job opportunities for growth industries. (Facebook pic)
KUALA LANGAT: The government is to spend an additional RM200 million on technical and vocational education and training (TVET) programmes, which is expected to reach 13,000 youths, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said.

He said the funding will be channelled through the Skills Development Fund Corporation (PTPK) to finance students wanting to pursue studies in the areas of energy transition, technology and digital, high-value electrical and electronics, agriculture, and rare earth elements.

“The fields involved include electric vehicles, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, advanced materials, electronic technology, farm mechanisation, and agricultural and livestock automation.

“Funding in these fields will encourage TVET institutions to develop training programmes in line with the government’s aim to strengthen high growth and value industries, in line with the national energy transition roadmap and the new industrial master plan 2030.

“This is to create high-impact job opportunities in line with the needs of industrial revolution 4.0, climate change and sustainability practices, demographic shifts, and the globalisation of value chains that change the nature of jobs and require a skilled workforce,” he said when launchying the national TVET day celebration here today.

On subsidies, Anwar said a targeted subsidy does not mean cancelling the subsidy for good.

“Previously, the rich also benefited from subsidies, but they are something the government should be giving to help the poor.

“No country in the world gives subsidies to the rich except us, hence now we have targeted subsidies,” he said.

He said diesel subsidies will be given to the poor, while the rich will not be eligible.

“We will manage to save around RM4 billion a year with targeted diesel subsidies,” he said.

Last month, Anwar announced that the Cabinet had finalised targeted diesel subsidies for the peninsula.

He said 10 types of public transport vehicles and 23 types of goods transport vehicles will be eligible.

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