Sat, 22 Jun 2024



33 Kunak Rela staff appointed
Published on: Friday, June 07, 2024
By: Ibrahim Tabir
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33 Kunak Rela staff appointed
Darman (seated, centre) in a group photo with officers and members of KPRK and KPR after the presentation of the appointment certificates at the ceremony.
KUNAK: A total of 33 members of the Malaysian Volunteers Department (Rela) received letters of appointment as Regional Rela Communication Heads (KPRK) and Rela Platoon Leaders (KPR) for Kunak, this year. 

Of that number, 11 are KPRK and the remaining 22 are KPR.

Director Darman Dabang hoped the members who had been nominated and appointed as KPRK and KPR would be able to carry out their duties effectively, especially in supporting volunteers, ensuring security, and promoting the well-being of the country.

“This appointment is not just a position but goes hand in hand with the responsibilities. Carry out the assigned tasks efficiently and with integrity,” he said.

“Rela is one of the agencies that is close to the people. In managing this membership, we need someone who can be a leader among the members and coordinate programmes and activities.

“Certainly, those who are elected and appointed have leadership qualities. They prioritise the interest of the department and society over personal interest.

These are the people we really need to carry out their duties in the field,” he said at the KPRK & KPR Appointment Certificate presentation at the District Volunteer Office in Kg Lormalong, on Tuesday.

Darman said KPRK and KPR selection was based on specific exercises, as well as the completion of basic courses and with good leadership and discipline.

“Through the leadership course these individuals are given the opportunity and space to practise their duties and roles in the field. 

“Those who are newly-appointed, whether candidates or KPRK and KPR, have actually been tested with some training and the implementation of certain tasks,” he said.

He also emphasised the role of Rela as a volunteer organisation, with each member contributing to security tasks to ensure smooth operation and public safety.

He said Rela, as an agency under the Ministry of Home Affairs (KDN), also assists in assignments such as security patrols with the Police and Esscom (Eastern Sabah Security Command), in addition to supporting other agencies including AADK, Immigration and the Department of Health for specific tasks.

“Volunteer service, for example, is also needed in joint activities such as cleaning an area with the community for their well-being, as well as in community programmes like providing donations and welfare visits organised by the department or in collaboration with other agencies,” he said.

Darman also thanked the Voluntary Associate members for ensuring that every Rela programme could be held in an orderly manner.

Also participating in the ceremony were Kunak District Acting Volunteer Officer, Ridswan Abdul Saleh; Semporna District Volunteer Officer, Azudin Dasil; Tawau Assistant Volunteer Officer, Jassoniskie Justar; Kunak Rela Associate Member, Heng Mok Wang and Thien Sang Phin@David, Semporna Voluntary Associate Member Kwan Yaw Fu, and former Head of KPRK of Pangi Kunak subdistrict, Ribut Nasip.

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