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Campaign to keep Semporna clean
Published on: Wednesday, June 05, 2024
By: Azmie Lim
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Campaign to keep Semporna clean
Alexander launching the campaign.
SEMPORNA: The Semporna District Council (MDS) is doubling efforts to cultivate cleanliness among the community, especially the residents in the coastal areas.

Semporna District Officer, Alexander Liew, said various efforts were carried out including launching a cleanliness campaign which aims at increasing awareness among the community.

Alexander said the objective of the campaign is to raise awareness among the community on the importance of maintaining cleanliness and security of the district as Semporna is well known as world tourism attraction.

“We have discussed with the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Environment to carry out this campaign through the Cleanest Village Competition which will involve about 20 villages,” he said.

Alexander, who is also the Chairman of MDS, said this during the launching of Semporna Cleanliness Campaign, recently.

According to Alexander, the campaign also aims at strengthening cooperation between MDS, agencies, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and local community leaders.

He believed that with the cooperations and roles of all parties, efforts to combat litter in the district will be fruitful.

Meanwhile, MDS Executive Officer, Ali Adam Hamjah, said the campaign would kick off with Gotong-Royong Perdana.

The programme, he said, will focus on the coastal areas and water villages.

“It is hoped that all the villagers will be involved in this campaign and together achieve the objective,” he added.

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