Fri, 28 Jun 2024



Families mull legal action
Published on: Wednesday, June 05, 2024
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Families mull legal action
Kota Kinabalu: The families of Sabah leaders who perished in the Double Six air tragedy are considering legal action against the Federal Government to seek compensation. 

In a joint statement Tuesday, Faridah Stephens, Datuk Donald Mojuntin and Kartina Sulong, who spoke for and on behalf of the Stephens, Mojuntin and Sulong families, said this step is taken in hopes of recognising and alleviating the immense suffering endured over nearly five decades.

They said after 47 years of enduring pain and seeking answers, the families of the victims of the Double Six tragedy have finally seen a ray of light. 

On June 6, 1976, a devastating air crash involving the Nomad Aircraft 9M-ATZ claimed the lives of some of Sabah’s most prominent leaders, including the then Chief Minister Tun Fuad Stephens, Finance Minister Datuk Salleh Sulong and Local Government and Housing Minister Datuk Peter Mojuntin, among others.  

“This event has since been etched in our hearts as the Double Six tragedy.

“The declassification of the Malaysian Investigation Report on April 12, 2023, provided crucial insights into the circumstances of the crash, but the reasons for the long delay in releasing the report remains opaque. 

“The long and inordinate delay has only deepened the wounds suffered by the families as they have not been able to move forward and obtain closure in respect of this tragic chapter in their lives. 

“Moved by an unwavering desire for justice and closure, the families are now asking the Federal Government of Malaysia to make amends in the form of compensation and have conveyed their request to them. Regrettably, to date, there has been no response,” they said. 

As we approach the 48th anniversary of the tragic day, the families wish to express their heartfelt gratitude for the unwavering support and understanding from the public. 

“A commemorative ceremony organised by the State Government will be held on June 6, 2024. We invite the community to join us in remembering and honouring the remarkable lives lost.

“The families continue to carry the legacy of their loved ones not only in their hearts but also through their actions.  They are committed to seeking the truth and justice, ensuring that such a tragedy never occurs again.

“We deeply appreciate the continued coverage and engagement by the Sabah newspapers, (with special thanks to the Daily Express for its investigative journalism).

They have played a critical role in keeping this story alive in the public consciousness.  Your support is invaluable as we strive for closure and healing,” they said. 

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