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Nizam: Azis’ statement a desperate bid to gain sympathy
Published on: Wednesday, June 05, 2024
By: Noor Zafira Zayn
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Nizam: Azis’ statement a desperate bid to gain sympathy
Nizam (left) described Azis (right) as a “rude and shallow person” when speaking of and labelling other parties.
Kota Kinabalu: Parti Gagasan Rakyat Sabah (Gagasan Rakyat) Information Chief Datuk Nizam Abu Bakar Titingan described his Parti Warisan counterpart Datuk Mohd Azis Jaman as a “rude and shallow person” when speaking of and labelling other parties.

“He’s rude and it’s not wrong for me to say shallow-minded. Why? Because he equates the Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS) component to the likes of a Pharaoh.

“Who doesn’t know who the Pharaoh was and what were his characteristics during his rule over Egypt before Moses was born.

“Until he died, he was punished by God for mocking and disparaging the teachings that Moses brought at that time,” said Nizam in a statement, Tuesday.

He said equating Pharaoh with any party, let alone from the mouth of one leader to another, is a despicable act, demonstrating how shallow a person’s knowledge is.

“Pharaoh also sinned and persecuted innocent lives because he killed all the male newborns after believing the words of his palace priests and astrologers about the prediction of the fall of his kingdom,” he said.

Nizam pointed out that Azis’s statement which went viral in a recent video clip was seen as a desperate attempt to garner sympathy.

“It’s not just sympathy, he’s actually playing with slanderous sentiments, having bad intentions and making fun of our prophet’s canon, of which we all already know.

“The words he uttered are also mixed with incitement and envy,” he said.

Nizam warned all parties to be open-minded and knowledgeable in evaluating and choosing leaders.

“It is inappropriate to associate this kind of speech with Prophet Moses and a political opponent as Pharaoh.

“Prophet Moses’ struggle against Pharaoh is very different from the struggle of certain political parties, and Pharaoh clearly disbelieved or even acknowledged God.

“Equating the struggle of a certain party with the struggle of Prophet Moses and his political opponent as Pharaoh is very contrary to the Islamic creed and its Messengers,” Nizam said.

He also called on all parties not to be influenced by the superficial propaganda expressed by leaders like Azis.

“If Azis can spin stories, especially religious, Islamic matters in order to cheat the people, then I am sure his intellect and emotions are also unstable and unfit to stand as a leader,” he said.

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