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Shafie: Sabah needs own solutions for hardcore poverty 
Published on: Wednesday, June 05, 2024
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Shafie: Sabah needs own solutions for hardcore poverty 
Therefore, the former Chief Minister asserted that measures and strategies aimed at addressing hardcore poverty in the peninsula should not be directly applied in Sabah; rather, they should be customised for the unique circumstances of the State.
PAPAR: The definition and scope of hardcore poverty in Sabah cannot be simply compared with that of the peninsula in endeavours to resolve the issue, said Parti Warisan President Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal. 

Therefore, the former Chief Minister asserted that measures and strategies aimed at addressing hardcore poverty in the peninsula should not be directly applied in Sabah; rather, they should be customised for the unique circumstances of the State.

“We need thorough research on this matter...detailed action plans are crucial to assist this vulnerable demographic... we must avoid prematurely claiming success in eradicating hardcore poverty while many still remain deeply vulnerable at the State level,” he said.

While welcoming the announcement by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim during his speech at the Kaamatan Festival last Friday regarding efforts to eliminate hardcore poverty in Sabah before July, Shafie stressed the necessity for comprehensive efforts due to the significant scale of the problem.

He highlighted the importance of evaluating and enhancing public facilities, particularly in education and healthcare, as Sabah significantly lags behind the peninsula in these areas.

In his speech, Anwar expressed confidence citing a reduction in the number of household heads classified as hardcore poor in Sabah from 20,000 to 9,000 as evidence of progress thus far.

Recognising the severity of hardcore poverty in Sabah relative to other states, the Prime Minister emphasised the crucial need for integrated cooperation between the Federal and State governments to effectively address this pressing issue.

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