Thu, 27 Jun 2024



Thief drives off car with screaming passenger inside
Published on: Tuesday, June 04, 2024
By: Bernama
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Thief drives off car with screaming passenger inside
The thief waited for the owner of the car to go to the toilet, before jumping into it and speeding off.
KUANTAN: A man stole a woman’s car at a petrol station in Semambu, near here, yesterday with the woman’s mother still in the passenger seat, Kuantan police chief Wan Zahari Wan Busu said.

He said retired teacher Napisah Muhammad, 68, was inside the car at 3.10pm when an unknown man drove the car away from the petrol station, before offloading her safely about 400m away.

Wan Zahari said the stolen car was a red Honda City 1.5L V with registration number BQM 2707. He said the thief also escaped with the daughter’s phone and that the total estimated loss was RM94,000.

Napisah, her husband Halim Omar, 77, and her daughter had gone to the petrol station to refuel and use the toilet, Wan Zahari said.

“Once the daughter had finished filling the car, she parked near the toilet and left the engine on.

“When Napisah came back from the toilet and got into the car, the daughter decided to head to the toilet,” he said, adding that the daughter then heard her mother scream for help.

Wan Zahari said CCTV recordings showed that the suspect had arrived at the station on a stolen motorcycle with false registration plates, sneaked into the car and driven off with the mother inside.

He said police were trying to identify the thief.

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