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Kundasang Agrobank goes cashless
Published on: Tuesday, June 04, 2024
By: Clarence Dol
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Kundasang Agrobank goes cashless
Dr Joachim, accompanied by other officials, visiting one of the vendors at the programme.
Kundasang: In a significant stride towards digital transformation, Agrobank, in collaboration with PayNet and Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), officially launched the Cashless Community Programme at the Pentas Budaya in Kundasang, Sunday.

This groundbreaking event was officiated by Deputy Chief Minister II, Datuk Seri Dr Joachim Gunsalam, who represented Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Haji Noor.

Dr Joachim said the programme marks the declaration of Kundasang as a cashless region, in alignment with the State government’s vision to enhance digital payment adoption and access throughout the State.

The programme, organised by Agrobank, is part of a broader initiative under the Malaysia Digital Economy Framework and Financial Sector Blueprint 2022-2026.

These frameworks aim to accelerate the adoption of digital technology and drive economic and financial transformation nationwide.

The initiative commenced with the Program Penjaja Cashless at the Api-Api Night Market in Kota Kinabalu in October 2023 and continued at the Sook Market in Keningau in February 2024.

“Today’s launch in Kundasang is another step towards creating a seamless, efficient and transparent economy through digital payments,” said Dr Joachim.

President and Chief Executive Officer of Agrobank, Dato’ Tengku Ahmad Badli Shah Raja Hussin, said Agrobank is thrilled to be part of this transformative journey.

“The programme is a testament to our commitment in enhancing digital payment accessibility for all.

“By educating local residents and traders on the use of online and QR payments, we aim to create a more efficient, transparent and inclusive economy.

“We look forward to expanding these initiatives to more areas across Sabah, ensuring that every community can benefit from the convenience and security of digital transactions,” he said.

Also present were Agrobank Sabah Regional Director, Datin Fuziah Abu Bakar Titingan, Political Secretary to Dr Joachim, Yubidi Gompoyo, Community Development Leader (PPM) Kundasang, Dounis Bolo, Agrobank officials and other local leaders.

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Agrobank, PayNet


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