Sun, 23 Jun 2024



Curb on drunken behaviour this time
Published on: Sunday, June 02, 2024
By: Jonathan Nicholas
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Curb on drunken behaviour this time
The fallen lampposts by a drunk driver outside KDCA.
PENAMPANG: One drinks stall vendor at Hongkod Koisaan said he had to prevent drunks dancing on tables during this Kaamatan.

The 34-year-old supervisor said he did not wish to be penalised RM1,000 compound imposed on stall operators who allowed drunken behaviour.

It came after a viral video of women dancing provocatively on tables resurfaced in social media a month before the festival in April.

KDCA committee members said there must be discipline on the grounds so public don’t mistake such behaviour as part of culture.

“Even karaoke is limited to midnight. Actually we were told no one is supposed to enter the grounds past 12am.

“But we can’t stop some people from such behaviour,” said the supervisor.

On the eve of Kaamatan two streetlights in front of KDCA were knocked down by a Perodua Myvi driver believed due to drunk.

Kota Belud KDCA Committee member Kassim @ Lantang Buliwan, 58, said it’s not mandatory to get drunk during Kaamatan.

“Yes, some celebrate the harvest with rice wine and other spirits but going overboard cannot be condoned.

“Coming to KDCA should be to meet up with friends and family and make new ones from all backgrounds. Alcohol is not the main point.

“If you want to get drunk do it at the comfort of your own homes or get a Grab or have a designated driver. Don’t make other people’s lives hard,” he said.

Left to right: Kassim, Laideh and Alijohn.

Aljohn Timbon, 57, and Laideh Francis, 52, said that Sabahans should adapt to higher mind set alongside the newly upgraded KDCA facilities.

“It’s amazing, we did not see litter at all. The toilets were working fine and the traditional houses are more comfortable. 

On food and drink prices, the trio suggested stall vendors offer fair prices. 

Kassim said the price hikes are unavoidable mainly due to subleases. 

“So don’t blame the KDCA because the lot owners themselves have agreed to sublease. Those who take up the offer are willing to pay exorbitant fees.

“We had noodles here and its price is almost doubled from RM7 to RM13. Not too expensive but they should be selling at a price affordable for all Sabahans,” he said.  

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