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Tawau Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency detains two boats with petrol
Published on: Saturday, June 01, 2024
By: Lagatah Toyos
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Tawau Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency detains two boats with petrol
Tawau Maritime Zone Director Maritime Captain Shahrizan Raman said the first arrest involved a local male skipper, 47, with a load of four gallons of petrol and two filled LPG gas tanks. - Bernama pic for illustration only.
TAWAU: The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency detained two local passenger boats after they were found to be carrying petrol without a permit in two separate incidents, here, on Thursday.

Tawau Maritime Zone Director Maritime Captain Shahrizan Raman said the first arrest involved a local male skipper, 47, with a load of four gallons of petrol and two filled LPG gas tanks.

He said the boat was travelling from the CIQ Jetty and headed towards Sebatik Island around 10.10pm.

The second arrest was made about an hour later some 1.24 nautical miles northeast of Tanjung Saima.

Shahrizan said an inspection of the boat found a local male skipper, 23, carrying five gallons of petrol without a permit.

He said both boats with cargo and the owner were detained and taken to the Tawau Maritime Zone Jetty and handed over to the investigating officer for further action.

The case is being investigated under the Sabah Ports and Docks Department Enactment 2002, the Supply Control Act 1961 and the Customs Act 1967.

He said all items, including both boats and cargo estimated to be worth RM52,000, would be confiscated until the investigation process is completed.

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