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Assaulting with a glass cup
Published on: Friday, May 31, 2024
By: Jo Ann Mool
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Assaulting with a glass cup
The offence under Section 324 of the Penal Code carries a jail term of up to 10 years or with fine or with whipping or with any two of such punishment.
Kota Kinabalu: A 44-year-old gardener was charged in the Magistrate’s Court, here, Wednesday, with assaulting a man with a glass cup.

Robin Tang, who appeared before Magistrate Lovely Natasha Charles, allegedly committed the crime against one Lo Kok Leong on May 16, at 1am, at the Musee Bar & Bistro, Lintas Plaza.

Inspector Kelvan Elson Maik prosecuting, proposed bail at RM4,000.

Counsel Lim Chun Yuan, representing Tang applied for a lower bail amount.

The court set July 27 for pre-trial case management and released the accused on a bail of RM1,800 in two sureties.

The offence under Section 324 of the Penal Code carries a jail term of up to 10 years or with fine or with whipping or with any two of such punishment.

In another case, an undocumented Filipino claimed trial to disposing of a stolen safe.

Unemployed Amzan Salah, 30, was accused of committing the offence on May 16, at 5pm, at the roadside of Jalan Norowot Peniang Lapasan, Rugading, Tuaran.

The charge under Section 414 of the Penal Code carries a jail term of up to seven years or fine or both on conviction.

Lovely set July 2 for pre-trial case management and ordered Amzan to be remanded further.

Meanwhile, nine people were penalised for committing drug-related offences.

Three of them - Adizam Diman, 45, Shahlan Hassan, 37, and Soaidah Hassan, 46, pleaded guilty to jointly having 0.74gm of syabu on Nov 5, 2022, at 9pm in Vista Minintod, Penampang.

Adizam and Soaidah were sentenced to 18 months jail each while Shahlan was handed 12 months jail.

They were charged under Section 12 (2) of the Dangerous Drug Act 1952, which provides for a fine of up to RM100,000 or up to five years jail or both on conviction.

The other six Aliyah Duruj, Sabri Abdul Patta, Abu Husin, Azizi Alimin, Md Anip Morpi and Laidih Bolunah pleaded guilty separately to taking syabu and amphetamine.

They were all except Laidih were jailed six months, while Laidih was fined RM2,000 or six months jail.

Taking drugs under Section 15(1) of the Dangerous Drugs Act provides for a fine of up to RM5,000 or up to two years jail, on conviction.

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