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VIP’s police escort probed for alleged assault of disabled e-hailing driver
Published on: Wednesday, May 29, 2024
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VIP’s police escort probed for alleged assault of disabled e-hailing driver
Bukit Aman criminal investigation department director Shuhaily Zain said the incident allegedly happened at a hotel in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. (Bernama pic)
Kuala Lumpur: A police escort to a VIP is being investigated after allegedly assaulting a disabled man at a hotel here yesterday.

“An investigation paper has been opened under Section 323 (for causing voluntary hurt),” Bukit Aman criminal investigation department (CID) director Shuhaily Zain told a press conference today.

“There have been no arrests yet, so we don’t know why the man was assaulted. Even the disabled man who filed the report is not sure why he was assaulted.”

Shuhaily was asked to comment on a leaked report claiming that a police escort had assaulted a deaf and mute e-hailing driver who was waiting to pick up passengers at a hotel in Kuala Lumpur.

When asked if the complainant was still being treated in hospital, Shuhaily said he did not want to comment.

Section 323 of the Penal Code carries a maximum prison sentence of a year, a fine of RM2,000, or both upon conviction.

Cops arrest 21 members of ‘Gang TR’

Shuhaily also said that since the beginning of the month, police had arrested 21 members of a gang known as “Gang TR”, which comprises five different groups.

“Investigations revealed that Gang TR comprises Gang 08, Gang 18, Gang 21, Gang 24 and Gang 36,” he said.

The CID director said 20 of those detained would be charged in the Shah Alam court today, while one member is currently undergoing treatment at the National Heart Institute.

“They will be charged under Section 130 V(1) of the Penal Code, which carries a jail term of between five and 20 years upon conviction,” he said.

According to Shuhaily, approximately 10 more individuals linked to the gang are still at large and being actively pursued by the police.

When asked about the duration of the intelligence gathering leading to the arrests, Shuhaily said it took two years due to the involvement of multiple gangs.

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