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Duo jailed for disposing of stolen motorcycle
Published on: Wednesday, May 29, 2024
By: Jo Ann Mool
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Duo jailed for disposing of stolen motorcycle
Both Zaidi and Shafiq were charged under Section 414 of the Penal Code which carries a jail term of between six months and seven years and liability of a fine, on conviction.
Kota Kinabalu: Two unemployed men were sent to prison for 12 months each by the Magistrate’s Court here Tuesday for disposing of a stolen motorcycle.

Md Zaidi Behu, 20, and Md Shafiq Abdullah, 23, pleaded guilty to hiding a stolen Honda Wave motorcycle belonging to Maxson Chong at 5.30pm on Jan 9, this year, in the bush of Kg Memanjang, Beaufort.

The duo’s case came up for pre-trial case management on Tuesday but they informed the court of their wish to change their plea to guilty to the charge.

They committed the offence along with a man, currently serving his sentence after pleading guilty to the charge earlier.

Magistrate Lovely Natasha Charles ordered them to serve the imprisonment sentence consecutively with their present jail term.

Inspector Kelvan Elson Maik, prosecuting, earlier informed the court that the duo, detained at Papar police station, told the police that they had thrown the machine in the bushes in Beaufort.

Counsel Lim Ming Zoong, representing the duo, requested a lenient sentence and informed the court that both are currently serving jail sentences for another offence.

Kelvan applied for a deterrent sentence.

Both Zaidi and Shafiq were charged under Section 414 of the Penal Code which carries a jail term of between six months and seven years and liability of a fine, on conviction.

Meanwhile, a 27-year-old man, who fraudulently had RM2,100 deposited into his bank account two years ago, was fined RM100 or a day’s jail.

Muhd Nur Arafat pleaded guilty before Magistrate Stephanie Sherron Abbie to having the money in his Maybank account, in which he failed to give a satisfactory explanation on how he obtained them at 1.24pm on Dec 21, 2022.

The offence under Section 22A (1) of the Minor Offences Ordinance, provides a fine of up to RM100 or up to three months jail or both on conviction.

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