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Checks on foreign-run sundry shops
Published on: Tuesday, May 28, 2024
By: Mardinah Jikur
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Checks on foreign-run sundry shops
Azdy checking the price of nails at the premises.
BELURAN: The Sandakan Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living raided a business premises in Pekan Botition, Sugut, here following a complaint on social media about costly goods.

The team was led by Sandakan KPDN Branch Chief, Azdy Zukkry John with more than six members.

A Goods Information Verification Notice (NPMB) issued under Section 21, Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act (AKHAP) 2011 was handed over Pakistan shopkeeper who were accused of selling cement nails 20 sen each.

The other trader involved was asked to submit all the documents involved in the purchase of the cement nails involved within two working days to the KPDN Sandakan.

Ten business premises in Botition and Sapi Nangoh were also inspected. 

A total of five case actions have also been taken where they have been compounded.

Azdy said that among the offences taken action by the Sandakan KPDN Office were four cases under the Price Control and Anti Profiteering Act (AKHAP) 2011 where the traders were found not to display price tags on goods sold at their business premises.

One case was under the Weights and Measures Act 1972 where inspections found that traders were using unverified weighing instruments for trading purposes.

For the record, from 1 January 2024 until 20 May 2024, a total of 55 cases with a total seizure value of RM1,000,520.35 have been produced by the Sandakan KPDN.

In terms of compound actions, a total of RM6,700 was collected by KPDN Sandakan over various offences.

A total of 52 complaints were received at this branch.

47 complaints or 90.38 percent have been investigated and resolved while the other five complaints under investigation.

The KPDN Sandakan Branch also advises traders in the district to always comply with the laws enforced by KPDN, especially displaying price tags on the goods sold and selling controlled goods.

This is mainly sugar, cooking oil and wheat flour according to the price set by the government.

According to Azdy, KPDN Sandakan officials will always go to the field to carry out inspections in the district covering rural and urban areas to ensure traders comply with the laws enforced by KPDN.

He said, KPDN Sandakan Branch also always welcomes any information and complaints related to the misconduct of traders.

Recently, the KPDN Exco, who is also Sugut Assemblyman and Sabah Minister of Community Development and People’s Wellbeing, Datuk James Ratib, wanted shops that sell nails at a price of 20 sen a piece compared to the listed price of RM1 for eight pieces to be taken appropriate action because villagers especially are affected.

James inspected the premises on May 13 and wanted KPDN to monitor all the shops in Botition and Sugut where he received many complaints about shops run by Pakistani where many raised prices including controlled goods and necessities daily.

Meanwhile, when met by the media, Azdy advised the public not to take to social media about the goods sold at high prices by certain premises.

“Instead, the public is advised to report the matter to the relevant authorities such as KPDN for further action and inspection,” he said.

He explained that a video went viral on TikTok recently showing a shop selling goods at a high price.

Azdy said this caused evidence or the price of the goods involved to be changed before further inspection by enforcement agencies such as KPDN at the premises involved.

In another development, Azdy said, as a result of monitoring, price increases on the sale of controlled goods and other goods often occur in rural areas.

“We will continue to monitor this matter and make inspections to identify why this happens,” he said.

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