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Appointment a responsibility, says new Sabah PKR Chief
Published on: Tuesday, May 28, 2024
By: Bernama
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Appointment a responsibility, says new Sabah PKR Chief
Mustapha and Liew
Kota Kinabalu: The new Sabah PKR State Leadership Council Chairman, Datuk Mustapha Sakmud, says he accepted the appointment as a “taklif” or responsibility, rather than a “tashrif” or privilege.

The Deputy Higher Education Minister said the change in leadership at the State-level reflected the party’s values that consistently upheld democratic practices while respecting and honouring local wisdom.

“Now is the time for Sabah PKR to focus on championing the rights of the people of Sabah within the framework of Malaysia Madani, which is in line with the spirit of the Malaysia Agreement 1963.

“I call on the party leadership throughout Sabah to close ranks and unite under the leadership of the Prime Minister (Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim) to uplift the dignity of the people and our beloved nation,” he said.

PKR Information Chief Fahmi Fadzil, in a statement on Sunday night, announced the appointment of Mustapha, while Datuk Dr Sangkar Rasam, who previously held the position, was among those appointed as new members of the PKR Central Leadership Council.

Meanwhile, Mustapha said Sabah PKR would continue to commit to ensuring political stability in Sabah until the State Legislative Assembly is dissolved.

He said a special Sabah PKR convention and programmes to strengthen the party machinery would be held soon in preparation for the next state election.

Meanwhile, Sabah PKR considers its leadership crisis settled with the appointment of Mustapha, says Datuk Christina Liew.

Mustapha, whose appointment was effective immediately, took the helm from Datuk Dr Sangkar Rasam, who faced a rebellion from 15 of the 26 Sabah and Labuan PKR divisions.

The decision was made after the PKR central leadership council meeting on Sunday (May 26), which also saw the appointment of Inanam Assemblyman Peto Galim as deputy chief.

“Now (the crisis is over), we need to regroup and work together to strengthen our party in Sabah and get ready for (the state) election next year,“ Liew, the Sabah Pakatan Harapan Chairman, said Monday.

Liew, who was Sabah PKR chief for nearly 20 years before being replaced by Sangkar in 2022, said the state party leadership will meet ahead of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s visit to Sabah on Friday (May 31).

Anwar is expected to officially close the month-long Kaamatan Festival at the Hongkod Koisaan in Penampang.

Asked if the state party leaders would be meeting the PKR President, Liew replied: 

“Yes, we hope to meet him. There are always so many things to do and improve, plus the state needs help from the Federal Government too.

“So, we hope some good news will be announced for Sabah.”

Liew, who is State Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister, also gave an assurance of the coalition’s continued support for the State Government led by Chief Minister and Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS) Chairman Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor.

Earlier, she launched Bayu Seni Sabah’s Ethnic Cross-Cultural Digital Exhibition and the video competition Culture, Agro Tourism and Nature (CAN).

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