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Restore Labuan’s duty-free status: Member of Parliament
Published on: Monday, May 27, 2024
By: Nikko Fabian
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Restore Labuan’s duty-free status: Member of Parliament
Dr Suhaili also emphasised the importance of bringing in investors to set up factories, as this would not only provide employment but also drive economic growth on the island.
LABUAN: Labuan MP Datuk Dr Suhaili Abd Rahman emphasised the necessity for the economic development of Labuan to be in alignment with that of mainland Sabah to counter its current slowdown.

He said businesses on the duty-free island are envious of the rapid economic progress in Kota Kinabalu, fuelled by a continuous influx of domestic and foreign visitors.

Dr Suhaili stressed the importance of making Labuan an attractive destination once again to stimulate economic growth that would benefit local businesses.

He expressed concern over Labuan’s transformation into a ‘dead town’ during festive seasons, with a significant number of residents travelling to mainland Sabah for holidays, leading to deserted streets and struggling businesses.

To address this issue, Dr Suhaili urged the government to take concrete steps.

He proposed the restoration of Labuan’s status as a vibrant duty-free island to unlock economic benefits. Additionally, he suggested attracting investors to establish factories in Labuan, creating job opportunities and supporting economic activities.

Dr Suhaili also emphasised the importance of bringing in investors to set up factories, as this would not only provide employment but also drive economic growth on the island.

He warned that without such interventions, Labuan’s economy would continue to stagnate.

The call for strategic economic development in Labuan to parallel that of mainland Sabah is crucial for revitalizing the island’s economy and ensuring sustainable growth.

Addressing the challenges highlighted by Dr Suhaili could pave the way for a more prosperous future for Labuan and its residents.

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