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Hajiji praises Palliative Care Association of Kota Kinabalu for its deeds
Published on: Sunday, May 26, 2024
By: Lorena Binisol
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Hajiji praises Palliative Care Association of Kota Kinabalu for its deeds
Clement (third left) ­­receiving an award.
Kota Kinabalu: The Palliative Care Association of Kota Kinabalu (PCAKK) established 25 years ago, had cared for more than 5,000 patients and their families over the years.

Chief Minister Datuk Haji Hajiji Noor commended PCAKK’s noble cause and generosity of private donors, public, corporate bodies and organisations for their continued support.

His message was delivered by Deputy Chief Minister III Datuk Shahelmey Yahya, who represented the Chief Minister at the event.

“PCA members have come together with a commitment that lies at the heart of your mission, to provide care to those most in need and to console families during their difficult times.

“Your work goes beyond the physical, addressing psychological, social, and mental needs, and you have set an exemplary work for others to emulate. 

“The State Government recognises the role of PCA, aligning with the Madani Government’s commitment to invest in human capital and enhance its value. 

“This commitment was demonstrated by the allocation of RM3.43 million for welfare and voluntary services.

“It has grown to meet the needs of the community which is in line with Government policy,” he said.

PCAKK President Ivy Stanislaus stressed the association’s role in lightening up the burden of families with incurable cancers and other terminal diseases.

“Our service is an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing problems associated with life-threatening illnesses such as cancer, organ failure like kidneys, heart and lung disease, Alzhiemer’s, Parkinson, motor neuron diseases and stroke.

“We also look after young children with life-limiting illnesses. We offer support system to help patients live as actively as possible,” said Ivy.

Deputy organising chairperson, Datuk Margaret Lim confided that total sum of RM250,000 was raised during the event attended by 1,000 guests.

Margaret said the Homecare programme now has a fulltime Resident Medical Officer, Dr Christannie Tay and a panel of medical advisors, namely Datuk Dr Jaswant Singh, Datuk Dr Suzain Suhaimi, Datuk Dr Ronnie Bachi and Dr Anita Boey respectively.

The event also recognised four individuals who conceived the idea of forming PCA back in early 1992, without whom the association would not have come to fruition today.

They were Datuk Dr Ranjit Mathew Oommen, Tan Sri Thomas Jayasuriya, Dato’ Seri Dr T. Devaraj and Dato John Cardosa.

The new Patron of PCA, Meng Tan, attributed the success of championing the cause to the continuous support from all quarters.

 However, despite the noble efforts, many were still unaware of PCA’s mission, she said. 

“We call on all Sabahans to lend a hand. Become a volunteer or/ and donor so that we can fulfil the goal and continue to become pillars of support for patients and families providing the extra layer of support facing life’s difficult challenges,” she said.

The event featured local talents namely Datuk Francis Landong and Datin Al Hana Tun Juhar with their singing performances, while the main finale dubbed as, The Killer Queen Experience, impersonator of the The Queens band, an Australian band.

Award presentation to recognise the dedication and contributions towards PCA past patrons Datuk Edward Ong and Datuk Seri Panglima Victor Paul for their dedication, while past presidents were Jercy Ng (1998-2004), Morna Chua-Limus (2016-2018), Datuk Margaret Lim (2008-2016) and Rokiah Yaacob (2018-2020).

The event also recognised contributors and supporters including one to Sabah Publishing House, the Daily Express. Its Managing Director, Datuk Clement Yeh, received the award accordingly.

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