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Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency foils fish-bombing activity
Published on: Sunday, May 19, 2024
By: Azmie Lim
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Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency foils fish-bombing activity
The boat and equipment seized.
LAHAD DATU: The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) foiled a fish-bombing activity in waters off Pulau Sakar, here, on Thursday.

MMEA Lahad Datu Zone Director Commander Dr Suzanna Razali Chan said a MMEA patrol craft, while carrying “Ops Pluto Timur” and “Ops Tiris”, spotted a boat moving in a suspicious manner.

She said two men on board, upon realising the presence of MMEA, jumped into the sea and escaped to a coastal area.

“An inspection showed the boat committed an offence under Section 26 of the Fisheries Act 1985.

“We also seized the boat’s engine, six bottles containing a substance suspected to be used for fish-bombing, a compressor, diving tools and fish nets,” she said, adding the seizures were handed over to a maritime investigation officer for further action.

Suzanna reminded the maritime community against fish-bombing as it may bring a negative impact to the ecosystem and endanger the lives of perpetrators and divers.

“We (Lahad Datu MMEA) will continue patrolling and enforcement to curb criminal offences at sea,” he said, and urged the public, especially the maritime community, to channel information to the 24-hour operation centre 089-885727 or MERS999.

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