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Chief Minister urges youth devt programmes
Published on: Sunday, May 19, 2024
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Chief Minister urges youth devt programmes
Hajiji presenting the Sabah State Premier National Youth Award 2023 in the youth organisation category to the Tawau Rakan Muda Club at the Sabah Youth Carnival 2024.
Kota Kinabalu: The Sabah Youth and Sports Ministry (KBSS) is advised to implement suitable programmes for youths such as the Sabah Youth Volunteer Community (SYVOC) programme, which acts like a Rakan Muda, to promote a healthy lifestyle in the community. 

Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor said the slogan, “Yakin Boleh, Belia Sabah Maju Jaya”, for the Sabah Youth Carnival 2024 is in line with the current development in which the Ministry of Youth and Sports Malaysia is focusing on reviving Rakan Muda which promotes 10 healthy lifestyles. 

He said in Johor, the State Government has established Southern Volunteers, a role model for youths, with various skill development and volunteering programmes. 

“Along with this, I suggest to KBSS to mobilise the same programme, which is more suitable for the youths of Sabah such as the Sabah Youth Volunteer Community to promote a healthy lifestyle in the community.

“I also request all ministries in Sabah, especially those related to youths, to implement youth development programmes, according to their respective tendencies and portfolio,” he said when officiating the 2024 Sabah Youth Carnival at the Sabah International Convention Centre (SICC), here, Saturday. 

Citing an example, Hajiji said to promote and encourage the interest of Sabah youths in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), KBSS can work with the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (KSTI).

“For programmes related to youth empowerment, KBSS can work with the Ministry of Development Society and People’s Well-Being. This can help improve efficiency in managing programmes for youth development through progressive and innovative collaboration. 

“The country’s recent success with investment worth RM10.5 billion from Microsoft Corp in cloud technology and Artificial Intelligence is a strong reason to provide youths in Sabah with the technological skills,” he stressed.

He said the State Government will continue to support and implement various programmes aimed at the economic well-being of youths, including providing training and skills courses to empower the group in the State.

According to him, the State Government has allocated as much as RM16.89 million in the 2024 Sabah Budget to implement various programmes and leadership activities, skills building and entrepreneurship courses that lead to youth empowerment to achieve socio-economic well- being, in line with the Sabah Youth Policy.

Hajiji said among high impact programmes continued by the Government is Sabah Maju Jaya Fellow (SMJ Fellow) and the Sabah Youth Council (DBS).

He said human capital is one of the important elements to improve productivity and economic growth potential of a state. 

Hence the human capital development agenda will continue to be emphasised in efforts to birth quality, skilled and first-class minded youths.

He said youths need to realise that they are the leaders of today and the future of the country, especially Sabah.

“It is very important that they increase knowledge and take care of their health, in addition to inculcating a confident attitude that you can do it for the sake of Sabah Maju Jaya.

“To ensure Sabah is ready for Industrial Revolution 5.0 (IR 5.0), we need to see the potential and talent prospects and empower the youths of Sabah with various latest skills. 

“This is because youths are an important asset in developing the State and country, towards a brighter future,” he said.

According to him, the Sabah Youth Carnival held every year is a platform for celebrate because it does not only polish and highlight the potential of Sabah’s youths but also fosters the spirit of leadership and volunteerism, in addition to appreciating their role in the development of this state.

“Therefore, programmes and activities that follow current trends are important for us to implement, in accordance with the tendencies of today’s youths such as programmes, skill improvement and retraining (reskilling and upskilling) for youths, sports and skills competitions, exhibitions and forums to provide opportunities to the youths to learn, exchange opinions and encourage development a holistic self,” he emphasized.

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