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Deal on rural digital health-care for Malaysians
Published on: Friday, May 17, 2024
By: Clarence Dol
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Deal on rural digital health-care for Malaysians
Flovia (centre) and other officials giving the thumbs up after the MoU signing ceremony in Togop Darat.
RANAU: A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between Measat Global Berhad and Mudah Healthtech Sdn Bhd that will provide digital healthcare services for up to one million Malaysians in unserved and underserved rural and remote communities.

Through this MoU, Malaysia’s Rural Broadband Service Provider, Measat, has teamed up with Mudah Healthtech which is a healthcare technology company and offers the Sihat Xpress telehealth service in remote communities enabled by the CONNECTme NOW satellite broadband service.

The two companies introduced the initiative and signed the MoU at Kg Togop Darat 1 in Ranau, Thursday.

It is the first rural Sihat Xpress site in Malaysia, serving as a Proof-of-Concept for improving rural healthcare through digital technology.

The MoU signing was witnessed by Assistant Minister of Community Development and People’s Wellbeing for Sabah cum Tulid Assemblywoman, Datuk Flovia Ng.

Through the event, Measat and Mudah Healthtech aim to provide digital healthcare services while leveraging on close to 4,000 CONNECTme NOW hotspots located across rural Malaysia, supported by Measat’s expansive rural distribution network.

The MoU also sees the two companies committing to digitalise clinics with telehealth capabilities, enabling at least 1,000 doctors to support up to 2,000 Sihat Xpress rural telehealth kiosks to be rolled out at CONNECTme NOW sites within the next two years.

Via the Sihat Xpress initiative, villagers can currently use telehealth kiosks to conduct self-checking of their oxygen level, blood pressure and body temperature, besides consulting a doctor online on various non-emergency medical issues, such as minor illnesses and general health inquiries.

Other health checks that may potentially be introduced in the future include blood glucose testing.

In the long-term, the telehealth kiosks can be a viable solution for mitigating healthcare delivery concerns such as alleviating overcrowding and long wait times at healthcare facilities.

Apart from that it would also improve health literacy in rural communities by providing educational content and reducing the incidence of non-communicable diseases, by empowering residents to take control of their health with basic health screening and diagnostic tools that enable timely interventions.

Measat Chief Operating Officer, Yau Chyong Lim, said: 

“As Malaysia’s Rural Broadband Service Provider, our collaboration with Mudah Healthtech for the Sihat Xpress rural telehealth initiative is part of our long-term effort to contribute to Malaysia’s national goals beyond providing telecommunications services.

“With CONNECTme NOW as an enabler, we empower rural entrepreneurship and connect residents to the digital economy via the initiative. 

“Here, we are enabling digital healthcare in rural areas for up to 1,000,000 unserved and underserved people through our CONNECTme NOW hotspots,” he said.

Yau added that through digital healthcare, the companies aim to help reduce the healthcare delivery gap in remote communities, empowering rural residents to proactively monitor their health via routine checks and online consultations without spending time and money travelling long distances to a healthcare facility.

The Sihat Xpress initiative in rural areas is aligned with national goals to digitalise all healthcare facilities by 2030 to uplift service delivery, and the potential implementation of telehealth as a cost-effective method to address gaps in high-quality healthcare delivery in remote areas besides collecting data to support public health planning to achieve better outcomes.

Mudah Healthtech Chief Executive Officer, Dato’ Dr Kantha Rasalingam, said: 

“Mudah Healthtech is dedicated to revolutionising the way people access and manage their health.

“Our mission is to make healthcare more accessible, convenient and personalised for everyone, regardless of their location or socioeconomic status. We are pleased to partner with Measat to achieve further success for our mission.

“They are a like-minded partner with an equal conviction in the role of technology in empowering individuals, whether to take control of their health and wellbeing, or to achieve other goals,” he said.

Dr Kantha said through the innovative solutions, the two companies aim to bridge the gap between healthcare providers and patients, offering seamless and integrated platforms that facilitate communication, collaboration and care delivery.

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