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Sandakan trader pleads guilty to falsely registering neighbours as her sons
Published on: Tuesday, May 14, 2024
By: Bernama
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Sandakan trader pleads guilty to falsely registering neighbours as her sons
Ramla Lampeh was sentenced to seven months’ jail for each count starting from the date of arrest on May 10, to be served concurrently and a fine of RM2,000 for the first charge. (Bernama pic)
SANDAKAN: A woman trader plead guilty at the Magistrates’ Court here today on two counts of providing false information as being a mother when registering the identity cards for two of her male neighbours last year.

Magistrate Nur Faezah Jafry sentenced Ramla Lampeh, 49, to seven months’ jail for each count starting from the date of arrest on May 10, to be served concurrently and a fine of RM2,000 for the first charge.

Ramla plead guilty to providing false information as the sponsor by claiming she was the mother to her two male neighbours when registering their identity cards under the names Mohammad Firman Rahman, 22 and Mohammad Luqman Rahman, 20 at the Sandakan National Registration Department at 12.35pm and 12.45pm on February 15, 2023.

Ramla, represented by lawyer Mohd Nazri Zikiri, sought a light sentence in the form of a fine as she was the sole breadwinner of her family while prosecuting officer Mohd Naser Mohd Nadzeri sought a sentence commensurate with the crime as it was a serious issue involving national sovereignty.

In the same court, Nur Faezah also sentenced Mohammad Firman, a fisherman, to five months’ jail and a fine of RM1,500 in lieu of a month’s jail, while his brother, Mohammad Luqman, who is unemployed, was sentenced to seven months’ jail, with sentence to commence from the date of their arrest on May 10, and they will be referred to the Immigration Department at the end of their jail term.

Both brothers, who were unrepresented, were charged with providing false information when registering their identity cards at the Sandakan National Registration Department at the same location, date and time as Ramla. 

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