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Hajiji: Sabah’s economy has now recovered
Published on: Monday, May 13, 2024
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Hajiji: Sabah’s economy has now recovered
Hajiji said the completion of the buildings, costing RM450,000, was also proof of the Government’s concern for the local community’s wellbeing.
THE State Government is committed to providing basic amenities for the people, particularly those in the rural areas so they too can enjoy progress and development, said Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor.

Speaking at the launch of the surau, open hall and community centre at Kampung Damat in Tamparuli on May 4, Hajiji was glad to note that initiatives under the Hala Tuju Sabah Maju Jaya (SMJ) are bearing fruits.

He said through the Hala Tuju SMJ, Sabah’s economy has now recovered following the economic slowdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic more than three years ago.

“This is evident based on the successes that we have achieved although those in the opposition are still trying to deny it.

“I expect them to give constructive criticisms and not spread baseless lies,” he said.

“The State Government has achieved much success in attracting investors and today our two industrial parks – the Kota Kinabalu Industrial Park and Sipitang Oil and Gas Industrial Park are almost running at full capacity.

“To solve this, the State Cabinet has approved two new industrial parks in Kimanis and another between Kota Belud and Kota Marudu to accommodate more investors seeking to invest in Sabah.

“The State Government is committed to doing its best for Sabah and intensive efforts are ongoing to resolve legacy issues such as water, electricity supply and roads,” he added.

In this respect, Hajiji commended the Kg Damat Village Development and Security Committee (JKKK) for the completion of the three buildings, much needed by the villagers.

Hajiji said the completion of the buildings, costing RM450,000, was also proof of the Government’s concern for the local community’s wellbeing.

“It is in line with the State Government’s commitment to ensure people across the board will enjoy development and progress,” he said.

He said the construction of the community centre, an activity centre for the Kg Damat Christian community, adjacent to the new surau, symbolises Sabah’s unique religious harmony.

He also called upon the local community to maximise usage of the facilities for the benefit of all.

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