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Close ranks, restore Umno to former glory, says Ismail Sabri
Published on: Saturday, May 11, 2024
By: FMT Reporters
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Close ranks, restore Umno to former glory, says Ismail Sabri
Former prime minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob says Umno has been the ‘umbrella’ for the people regardless of race and belief. (Bernama pic)
PETALING JAYA: Umno should unite and hold firm to its principles to restore the party’s past glory, says former prime minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

Malaysia’s first six prime ministers were from Umno, which has seen its popularity dip since Barisan Nasional (BN) suffered defeat in the 14th general election (GE14) in 2018 after ruling the country for 61 years.

In a Facebook post commemorating Umno’s 78th anniversary today, Ismail, a former Umno vice-president, reflected on the party’s enduring role in shaping the nation’s progress over the past seven decades.

The Bera MP attributed Umno’s success throughout the years to the party’s clear foundation and ideology, stating that while Umno is focussed on upholding the interests of Malaysia, Malays and Muslims, it does so without sidelining others.

“We have faced many joys and sorrows. This long journey, spanning over seven decades, has proven Umno’s contribution and ability in developing our beloved homeland,” he said.

“Umno has been the umbrella for the people regardless of race and belief, promoting peace and prosperity since independence until today.

“Let us unite and hold firm to our principles because only we, Umno members, can restore the party’s previous glory.”

Umno was founded on May 11, 1946, in Johor Bahru and was strongly opposed to the idea of a Malayan Union, which was proposed by the British.

Subsequently, Umno formed an alliance with MCA and later, MIC. The Alliance Party led Malaya’s charge for independence, which was achieved in 1957.

The Alliance eventually became BN, a coalition of 13 parties, with Umno as the lynchpin.


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